Performing Arts News

Annie Update 2021

It is with a very heavy heart that we announce that we are unable to continue with our musical production of “Annie” for 2021. We have just received notification that the building renovations for our Performing Arts Centre upgrade will be beginning in the Term 1 holidays. This is terrific news for the Performing Arts @ MGC, but unfortunately, it means that we don’t have a venue for “Annie”. (Our original alternative, The Renaissance Theatre at Kew, also being out of action this year due to their building program…)


Thank you to all the cast and chorus who kept the faith since last year’s auditions. A special thank you to Tony Hicks, our Musical Director, who has been rehearsing the “Annie” professional score with our orchestra on Wednesdays before school.


We would like to acknowledge and wish our leads all the best, especially our Year 12’s, and look forward to putting our energy into our student run House Production in Term 3 instead.



Anne Corry

Musical Productions

Top Arts 2021

Congratulations to Luiza Souza-Alberti and Bella Measham-Park. Not only did Luiza and Bella achieve a perfect scores for their 2020 VCE Drama Solo Performance exam, but they have also been invited to audition for Top Class 2021. Top Class presents concerts by outstanding VCE performing arts students who have completed VCE Music Performance, Music Investigation, Music Style and Composition, VCE VET Music Industry, VCE Dance, VCE VET Dance, VCE Drama and/or Theatre Studies. 


In VCE Drama students select one of ten possible structures to create a seven minute solo performance, which is presented to a panel of VCAA assessors. Luiza chose to create a solo based on the life of Frida Kahlo and the influences that shaped her as an artist. Bella chose to create her solo based on the heroic efforts of Irena Sendler, who saved many children from the Warsaw Ghetto in WW2. 


It was disappointing when Top Class 2020 was cancelled due to COVID 19 last year. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that Top Class 2021 goes ahead and Luiza and Bella are successful in their auditions and the VCE Drama community get to see their beautifully devised solo performances. Good luck Luiza and Bella.


Lindy Mummé

VCE Drama teacher