Prep-2 Sector

Prep News

This term in Writing we have been looking at narratives. We have been retelling some of our favourite narratives like ‘The three billy goats gruff’ and ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ etc. and using these narratives to create our own books. We can’t wait to show you our published storybook.


In reading we have now covered all of our letters and sounds. We have been practicing them every day and learning all of our tricky words. Make sure you still keep practicing them at home. 


In maths we have looked at patterns, mass, capacity, location, data, and number knowledge. We will continue to practice all of these skills throughout the last few weeks of school.


The Prep Team


Year 1 Team



The students have been doing a counting and operations unit this term. It is the third operations unit for the year.

“We have been counting in tens and ones with unifix blocks.” - Shaun, 1C


“It’s really fun!” – Matthew, 1C



Students have been creating information 

reports on their own animals! 


Sophie from 1B has just finished creating her information report on penguins. 

Her favourite fact is on a penguin’s habitat- ‘Penguins live in very cold places”.


The Year 1 Team


Year 2 News    


The Year 2’s have enjoyed the familiar routine of the school day and reconnecting with their friends and teachers at school. 


In writing they have been working on information reports. They have been looking at the structure of how information is presented and have focused on collecting and writing information in their own words. The topic of the reports is Australian Animals. The students have learnt many interesting facts about specific Australian animals.

This term the Maths unit has been on Measurement. The students were excited to be measuring and comparing the length of objects found in the classroom using icy pole sticks, paper clips, tiles, match sticks, Unifix and blocks. They have gone on to measure the area of objects being careful not to overlap the units.

During reading they have continued reading for meaning and looking at finding the main idea. In InitialLit storybook lessons the students have enjoyed having in-depth discussions about quality children’s literature.


The Year 2 Team