Year 8 Digital Technologies

Our Year 8 Digital Technologies students resumed their onsite learning with some recognition for their outstanding participations during the remote learning. This included a certificate along with some edible goodies followed by a well-rounded applause from their peers. They adjusted back from their remote learning and we commend students on their resilience in such an unusual year. Students were able to wrap up their second unit of work and start their third and last unit where they learnt text-based coding. The assessment for this unit was a bit unusual, but much appreciated by our Year 8s, as students got to plan an image that they would like to draw using the programming language, Python. 


This year we saw some extraordinary resilience from our students to turn their plan into reality.


Both Mike and Ariel’s program exceeded 200 lines of code, followed by Andrea and Athuai Akok who also demonstrated some remarkable effort and skill in this area of focus. Click on the images to watch the animations! 

Andrea Duka's illustration of spring
Mike Li's landscape where the user has the ability to choose between sunrise and sunset
Ariel Mezzacappa drew her iPad and water bottle
Athuai Akok drew an animation of shooting a gun and police chase
Andrea Duka's illustration of spring
Mike Li's landscape where the user has the ability to choose between sunrise and sunset
Ariel Mezzacappa drew her iPad and water bottle
Athuai Akok drew an animation of shooting a gun and police chase