Year 10 Computing

Mario Kart Grand Prix

After a gruelling start to the semester and return to onsite learning in Week 2, Term 4 there was still much to learn in 10 Computing. After a few weeks of delving deep into computer programming it was clear the students wanted something more, and the competitive juices were flowing.


So, in Week 6 the coveted Mario Kart 8 Grand Prix was arranged, with the sole purpose of finding the true champion of 10 Computing. The prize was the highly sought-after Mario Kart Trophy and most importantly, glory, fame, and admiration from the other students.

The scene was set, with some tough rules in place to create a cut-throat competition that allowed for few mistakes.


After many rounds, victorious cheers, and a few wept tears, three students were ready to battle it out in the Grand Final.

  • Haedin Austin was the grey man, often hiding in the middle of the pack and then rushing to victory on the last lap each race.
  • Kiony Hunt was calm, consistent, and stayed cool throughout every race.
  • Joseph Seymour won each of his rounds through sheer determination mixed with a little bit of skill.

But in the end, it was Kiony Hunt that was the true champion of 10 Computing, maintaining her perfect consistency. Her name likely to go down in the history books as the first winner of the 10 Computing Mario Kart 8 Grand Prix.