From the Principal

Mr. David Browne

The end of the strangest of terms....

My thanks to Ms Cross for being Acting Principal for the past eight school days.


We have made it to the end of term 2; one that none of us will forget.  Despite the challenges that everyone has faced over the weeks and months coming to terms with Covid19 and the restrictions it has brought, I think that we there are many things we should be proud of.  To adopt and adapt to remote learning, cope with the constantly moving goal posts of rules and regulations, and then to bring it back again to onsite learning - an amazing effort by all involved.


Reports will not be distributed until the start of term 3.  This is to allow the maximum amount of class time in term 2 for the most accurate assessment to be made.


For the upcoming holidays, I wish all of our students, their families and our staff a safe and enjoyable break.  Whilst our capacity to be able to travel or complete activities normally associated with holidays will be limited, its important that each and every one of us sees the big picture in minimizing and hopefully eradicating Covid19.  Some inconvenience and disruption now will hopefully help to provide a safer world for all of us in the future.


Take care and be safe.

Cross Country with a difference

Our students have been competing in the House Cross Country event in a completely different way this year.  Instead of the normal half day event, we have been holding a progressive event - during PE classes over a number of days.  It is still in progress, but at time of writing;

  • Bindaree: 846 points
  • Allungah: 803 points
  • Warragai: 773 points
  • Terragong: 644 points

1km = 1 pointWhole school total: 3066km ***This equates to running to Perth!!**