Coming Events

Dates to remember....
Don't forget to look on the calendar in XUNO for these and future events
25 Victorian State - student free day
26 Return to onsite schooling Years 11 & 12
8 Queens Birthday Public Holiday
9 Return to onsite schooling for all students
24 School Council meeting
26 Semester 1 ends and end of Term 2
The first session this year for Year 7 Immunisations will be held on Tuesday, 2nd June at CSC’s gymnasium in the Wellbeing Precinct.
Parents/carers are asked to book appointment times via the college XUNO booking system which will be open from noon, Monday, 25th May until noon, Monday, 1st June. Further information on how to access the booking system will be emailed to all families by Friday, 22nd May. Students must be accompanied to the session by a parent or guardian.
Students need to access the gym using the doors located at the north east corner of the Wellbeing Precinct. A health representative from Mount Alexander Shire Council will be situated at the entry doors to ensure appropriate social distancing.
All students are to remain in the gymnasium for observation for 15 minutes after receiving the vaccination.
If you have any questions, please contact CSC on 5479 1111 or
Year 10 Work Experience 2020
During the 2nd week of Term 3 2020 (July 20 to 24) all Castlemaine Secondary College Year 10 students were scheduled to participate in a compulsory one week Work Experience placement of their choice.
As Year 10 students are not due back on site from remote learning until Tuesday the 9th of June and the Third Term holidays commencing on Friday 26th of June it has been decided to cancel the Year 10 Work Experience as a “block placement of one week” at this time.
This decision has been made with the intention of allowing our students to settle back into a normal routine of study as far as possible before another interruption. We have also been notified by a number of employers that due to Covid19 they would not be in a position to undertake Work Experience at this stage.
We will inform all Year 10 students and their parents/carers of replacement Work Experience arrangements (if any) once school recommences.
If you have any questions re: this change please contact me as soon as possible on 54791111/0438890280 or by my email (
Mr Cook