Principal Update

Principal’s Message
Again, I extend my thanks and appreciation to all CSC families for supporting our students through this period of remote learning. I also take this opportunity to congratulate our students for their efforts over the past few months.
As you are aware, this period of remote learning will soon draw to a close, with Years 11 and 12 students returning to school from Tuesday 26 May (along with Year 10 students for any VCE or VET classes they are studying) and all remaining students returning from Tuesday 9 June. For further details about this return-to-school announcement, please refer to the letter I emailed to each family on May 12 (this letter is also published on the CSC website under the “Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Updates” tab). Ahead of our VCE, VET and VCAL students returning on May 26, I will send a separate update to confirm a few more aspects of return-to-school arrangements for our senior students. Similarly, families of Years 7-10 students will receive a further update ahead of their June 9 return.
In the meantime, I wish to reassure all CSC families that the Department of Education and Training has produced a comprehensive “Return to School Operations Guide” based on clear medical advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer. We will be strictly adhering to the advice in the DET Operations Guide and we have been preparing thoroughly this week to ensure that DET hygiene standards are met at CSC. This includes:
- Installation of 30 automatic hand sanitiser units throughout both campuses.
- Negotiating a significantly increased cleaning schedule with our cleaning contractors.
- Revision of sick-bay and first aid protocols.
- Developing hygiene protocols for when students need to use shared equipment.
- Displaying even more posters around the school with key hygiene messages.
- Re-arranging the layout of some areas of the school to allow for more social distancing.
One of the most important messages I will continually be re-iterating to all staff, students and any other visitors to the school, is that we must not come to school if we are sick. It is essential that anyone who is unwell stays away from school.
Other important operational matters to note are:
- There will be no camps, excursions, information evenings or school assemblies until the DET gives approval for these to resume.
- We are urging adults to only come on site if it is essential to do so. Of course, we are still here to support you and answer any queries you might have, but please consider if we can address these matters via email or the telephone before coming to Reception.
- Primary schools are being encouraged to consider staggered start and finish times for the school day. This is to avoid large groups of parents gathering at school gates during drop-off and pick-up times. Given that secondary school parents do not typically wait in groups at the school gates for their children, CSC has been advised that we do not need to implement staggered start and finish times.
Finally, I acknowledge that a return to school will elicit mixed emotions for CSC students and their families. I know that many of our students will be relieved to return to school and interact with their friends and teachers again. However, it is also true that for some students and their families the next few weeks will herald another challenging transition and create strong feelings of anxiety. If this is the case, please let us know. Support is available through our Mentor Teachers or through our Wellbeing Team. Again, I remind all families about the Wellbeing Team webpage established last term. This webpage, available through the following link or via the “School Life” menu on the CSC website, contains valuable student wellbeing advice and clear processes for getting in touch with one of our Wellbeing Team workers:
Paul Frye
Returning to on-site learning
We understand the return to learning on-site will create a variety of emotional responses amongst students and staff. Some will be really relieved to back, whilst others will experience concern and possible anxiety. We strongly believe that providing a familiar environment with familiar expectations will assist in alleviating student concerns. Therefore, CSC will continue to have high expectations in all aspects of school life. Having clear expectations and processes allows all staff and students to be on ‘the same page.’
For students this means the following:
- Punctuality – students should be on time for all classes.
- Ready to learn – students should have the correct equipment for each lesson.
- Uniform – students should be fully attired in CSC uniform, which includes all black shoes. Please remember hoodies are not to be worn underneath the College uniform.
- Relationships – treating all peers and staff in a respectful manner.
- Mobile phones – must be kept in lockers from the start to the end of the school day.
These expectations align with the College values of Pride, Respect and Responsibility. These values are not only important at CSC, but will clearly enhance an individual’s success, wellbeing and happiness throughout all aspects of their life. At CSC we will continue to support families in any means possible to ensure students are meeting our high expectations.
Justin Hird
Assistant Principal