Wellbeing News

COVID 19 Support from the Wellbeing Team
During these unprecedented times it is more important than ever to stay well, to feel safe and to feel connected to our friends, family and community.
The Wellbeing Team at Castlemaine Secondary College would like to send a message of support to all our students, families and staff.
We would also like to celebrate the huge efforts of students, staff and families to transition to online learning over the past few weeks.
We are looking forward to a return to the ‘new normal’ and to see our students as they return to on site learning. We welcome back our Year 11’s and 12’s next week and then the remainder of the school on the 9th of June.
The Castlemaine Secondary Wellbeing Team.
Parents Need Stress Relief, Too. We’re all anxious. Here are ways to cope.
This is a fantastic article written by a parent, who is also a journalist. The article covers the stressors we are facing at the current time and the need to be kind to ourselves. It also has some tips on how to manage information overload and how to share that information with our children.
CSC Wellbeing Website
The website hosts a parent zone, student zone, information, referral pathways and gives you the ability to connect with a Wellbeing Worker.
The Mentor Site
Another great site that we are encouraging our young people to look at each morning is our mentor site. This week’s theme is advice around routines to help our students to come back to school on site! The Mentor site can be found through your child’s school google account at: https://sites.google.com/education.vic.gov.au/mentor-site/home
CSC Move it Site
The Wellbeing Team have launched a ‘virtual gym’ for all Castlemaine Secondary Students and their families. The site includes several of the best virtual workouts for all fitness levels, with the choice ranging from footy drills to yoga. There is also several ‘desks stretches’ that can be introduced into your daily routine.
The link to the site, which the students can access through their school google accounts is: https://sites.google.com/education.vic.gov.au/csc-lets-move-it/home
Andrew Fuller: Seven things for a smooth transition back to school based learning.
It’s a return to the classroom like no other. How can we help students make a successful transition? Leading clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller outlines his seven [priorities to help their journey. Access the link below for the full article.
Doctor in school during COVID19
Our wonderful doctors, Dr Louisa Hope, Dr Richard Mayes and Dr Julia Jaensch continue to be available to our students during this time of remote learning. The appointments, as are all GP appointments currently, are preferably via the phone, however your child may still see the doctor face to face if it is necessary, but it will not be at the school but at the doctor’s clinic.
Remember as always, we encourage your local GP to be your first port of call, as they know you better.
If you would like to make an appointment for your child with our doctors, please contact the School Nurse, Alli Williams, who will make the appointment for you.
Contact details: williams.alli.c@edumail.vic.gov.au, phone /text: 0457516931.