

Return to Sport

With Sports returning to play, it is extremely important that both students and parents check the HUB regularly for any updated information including revised draws. Some sports unfortunately change draws and venues frequently and these changes are posted on the HUB under the title of the Sport as soon as they are received. These changes are beyond our control as a school and we try to inform all coaches, players and spectators as soon as possible.


Covid Regulations

All Tamworth Sporting Associations have Covid Safety plans in place that must be adhered to as coaches, players and spectators. All sports may vary in their approach however, we must respect each Associations directive to allow our players the opportunity to continue to play. Please ensure that we follow the rules and ask an official at the venue if you are uncertain. 



Unfortunately there is no Primary Friday Night Rugby Competition in 2020. This decision was made last Term by the Competition organisers. All Secondary Rugby has now commenced. Please make sure that all players are registered. This can be done by following the instructions on the link below. Please check the draws on the HUB daily to avoid confusion as they can change frequently.

Any questions regarding Rugby can be forwarded to Mr Starr the Calrossy Rugby Coordinator at

Secondary Rugby Information


Touch Football

The Touch Football season has recommenced today Monday 3rd August. This is a continuation of the Term 1 Season therefore all teams remain the same. Please contact Mr Lange the Calrossy Touch Football Coordinator at if your child is no longer able to play. All draws will be posted on the HUB under Primary or Secondary Touch football. 

Primary Touch Football Information

Secondary Touch Football information



Basketball is well under way with both our Primary and Secondary Competitions playing. Draws are posted on the HUB and information is continually added where necessary. If you have any questions regarding Basketball, please contact Ms Rachael Lasker the Calrossy Touch Football Coordinator. 

Primary Basketball Information

Secondary Basketball Information



The Monday Night Hockey Competition began on Monday 31st July with Calrossy having four teams across the girls competition. Thank you to all of our students and teachers who have offered to coach or manage a side this season. We are still trying to finalise training days and this information will be posted on the HUB as soon as it is available.

Monday Night Hockey Information



All Netball has commenced. It is imperative that parents check to see if their child has registered to play. If your child is not registered they cannot play. Please click on the link below for information regarding registrations and Netball information.

Netball Information


Calrossy Sport