Important Message for Secondary

Changes to End of Year 12 Valedictory Events



Calrossy staff are very conscious of the additional impact of Covid-19 on the lives of our 2020 Year 12 students. Nobody saw a pandemic coming, that has disrupted their final school year, following drought and bushfires. Already Year 12 have missed four weeks of live school, had many routine school activities cancelled, and made adjustments to variations in assessment timelines and procedures.


Whilst Tamworth has not experienced an active case of the virus since April, the State of Emergency in Victoria and the reality of a small number of hotspots in NSW means that we cannot be complacent. The school remains committed to following advice provided by Health and educational authorities to safeguard our community.


In this context we want to support the appropriate celebration of the end of Year 12 for students and their families. Last week our staff leadership team took some important decisions, to provide certainty and allow for forward planning. The intention is to still celebrate the achievements of our wonderful Year 12s, but to do so safely.


Please note the following decisions:


  • As planned, a Graduation Assembly will take place on Thursday 24th September, in the Bishop Peter Chiswell Hall on the William Cowper Campus.


This will be in the form of a single ceremony honouring our graduates, incorporating the best of our regular events.  It is regrettable that the Calrossy tradition of campus farewells are not feasible with restrictions in place. At this point the assembly will be restricted to Year 12 students and their parents (maximum number of 300). Of course, any such arrangements are subject to change.  


  • The Valedictory Dinner/Dance has been postponed from the end of Term 3 to a new date of Friday 20th November, after the HSC. (The details of how many can attend will depend on the Health situation at the time. Currently parents would not be able to attend.)


Given that current NSW laws restrict events to 150 persons, who must stay seated with table service only, excluding dancing, singing, physical contact and restricting mingling, we believe it better to postpone the dinner to a later time when restrictions may allow for parents to attend and something more enjoyable for the students. It is my suggestion that following the Thursday 24th Graduation Ceremony, small groups or families book individual hospitality events in Tamworth, where restaurants can support bookings of up to ten in a single party.


We still plan to conduct other in-school events such as the Year 12 Retreat and the Boarder Farewell but final arrangements will be determined by the Health Regulations at the time. Details will be advised to students closer to the dates.


I apologise for the changes in plans, which are regrettable but lie outside our control. I announce them now to support planning for families and to promote the best possible recognition of our group of Year 12s, who have done us proud amidst the most remarkable of circumstances.


Kind regards,

 David Smith