From the Head of Primary

Claire Dalziel

Our new focus of the fortnight is Gratitude. Put simply, we will talk about gratitude at school as: Appreciating what you are and what you have and being thankful. The Bible says, in Psalm 107:1 Shout praises to the Lord! He is good to us and his love never fails. Above all, this is something in which we can be truly thankful. 


Over the first fortnight of this term, I have been thankful for the many ways the Lord has been good to us. We have had rain to fill our dams, we have had good health and a strong start to the term. It is appropriate for us to stop and remember the goodness around us and be thankful. We aren’t called to be happy all the time and even in the hard times, it can be hard to shout praises. But it can be helpful to be thankful, even for the very small things. 


This weekend just gone, I was able to spend time with my family and celebrate my Grandma’s 99th birthday. Everything was very COVID-safe and we couldn’t kiss, hug or even hold my grandma's hand, but I was so thankful to be able to see her, talk to her and hear her say how much she loved each one of us. We were thankful. 


We could look upon our current situations as hard or disheartening. But friends, we have so much to be thankful for. We live in a beautiful town, a healthy town and have so many things at our fingertips. Opportunities for ourselves and our children. Take stock and be thankful. Shout praises to the Lord, for he is good to us. 


As we remain COVD-Safe at school, we are limited to fifteen minute assemblies. This is preventing us from hosting our usual Friday morning gatherings. Instead, as each class is rostered on, they will prepare a video of the learning that is occurring in their class and a link will be shared on Seesaw for families in that class to view. We hope you will enjoy staying connected in this small way.  


Grandparents Day and the Primary School Musical are two big features of our Performing Arts calendar this year. Sadly, with the COVID-19 restrictions, both events have been cancelled. Instead, each year group in the Primary School will carefully prepare performance items which will be digitally recorded and available to our wider community of parents, grandparents and special friends in Term 4. We are pleased to still be able to provide performing opportunities for our students. More information will follow. 


We have also begun making alternate arrangements for the camps which were to be held during Term 3 (Year 3 and Year 6). We hope to create activities over a series of days for these year groups which capture the essence of camp, even if we can’t go away. It is our intention to hold our Term 4 bookings for our other year groups, for as long as possible, in the hope that we may still be able to attend. 


Psalm 107:1 Shout praises to the Lord! He is good to us and his love never fails.


Claire Dalziel 

Head of Primary