Lyn Strachan 

Welcome back to term 3. 

I am sure you are all wondering when we may be able to improve parent access to the school, and loosen the restrictions we have in place.  We wonder the same things too!

We often listen to the daily media reports from our Premier, Dan Andrews to see what changes may be coming our way. With high daily totals, we are not confident of change soon.

Please be assured that we will let you know as soon as we know anything at all.


Just a reminder of our procedures.

  • School doors will only open at 8:30 am. Please ensure you get your child to school between 8:30 and 8:45 each day.  This will ensure your child does not miss out on any of the literacy and numeracy learning that generally happens in the morning sessions at school. Every Day Counts!
  • If your child has any cough, cold, flu or any other illness, you are required to keep them home.
  • We are continuing the sanitising and temperature screening all students as they enter the school.
  • Extended cleaning is occurring daily. Classrooms, toilets and high touch points are being cleaned twice each day, with additional cleaning products in each classroom and learning space.
  • Only if essential, parents can come to the front office via the Eyre St doors.  Please sanitise and social distance.  Please avoid the before and after school rush.           Our preference is still an email or phone call at this stage.
  • Schools are not allowed to conduct on-site school tours for prospective students and their families at the moment.
  • Our staggered finish times will continue, and we have included this poster in the newsletter again. Please remember, if you need ANY variation on the time or location of pick up, please let us know and we can accommodate this. (Please use the crossings if possible)