From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Term 3 is well underway despite the continued and unprecedented uncertainty caused by this global pandemic.  The College has once again transitioned well to both on-site (for VCE and VCAL students) and remote learning for students in Years 7-10.  I would like to thank our school community for their sensible and considered approach during this time. The ability to change and adapt quickly to new rules and policies has been exceptional, well done Rosehill.


A reminder that facemasks are compulsory for students who attend on-site and the need to maintain excellent hand hygiene is paramount.  Temperature checks commence at 8:30am every morning.  Students arriving earlier than 8:30am must remain outside the school gates until 8:30am and have their temperature taken before entering the school grounds.  Students who arrive late or have a late start time must report to College Administration.  The Library, the Year 11 and Year 12 Student Centres will only open after 8.30am each morning.  If students are feeling unwell they must stay home.  Teachers are acutely aware of the need to have set tasks readily available on COMPASS or google classroom for all students. 


I encourage all Year 11 and 12 students to take all necessary equipment/books home each day and only bring the resources required.  In the event of a positive COVID-19 case, the school would close immediately and students will not have access to their lockers.


Term 3 is traditionally the time we embark on our planning for the following year.  This year is no exception (despite the pandemic) so, in the ensuing weeks, you will receive significant information relating to subject selection if in Years 7-11 and VTAC/course applications  for students in Year 12.  It is important to keep a look out for this information.


Year 12 students have their upcoming Parent/Teacher Interviews on Thursday 6th August between 2.30pm and 6.30pm.  This will be a shortened day for students; all classes will run from 9:00am to 1.30pm.  Information on how to book virtual interview times has been provided to parents of students in Year 12 and students completing a Year 12 subject.  All other Year Levels (7-11) will participate in Parent/Teacher Interviews in September.


As always, if your child is not coping, feels overwhelmed or is falling behind, please contact the College and ask to speak to the year level coordinator, we are here to help.


Stay safe,


Arthur Soumalias
