

Our GEC Student Wellbeing Team (SWT) will be operating from school during remote learning and we thank you for your patience with us as we try to ensure we follow up all wellbeing concerns that have been raised with the team. 

Jenny Sanchez will be on leave until further notice and Nick Hamer-Smith (Assistant Principal) will be overseeing the SWT during this period. 


If the wellbeing concerns are primarily related to navigating the online learning environment, then the Year Level Coordinators or Sub-school Leaders are a good first point of contact. They will discuss the issues with you, including a referral for further support to the SWT if required.


If there are wellbeing concerns and you are seeking support from the SWT, one of your options for alerting us to this is via the GEC wellbeing email wellbeing@gec.vic.edu.au

Members of the SWT meet each morning and review the emails and referrals that have come in from GEC staff and parents.  We triage the referrals and agree on what action is required.

Prior to providing wellbeing support there needs to be a discussion with a member of the SWT to listen to your concerns and outline options for support, including the consent process.


There are some great online resources for students and their families. Here are a list below to have a look at:


Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800


This website is so easy to navigate, visually engaging and has a great range of resources for young people. They can also dial the 1800 55 1800 number and speak to a counsellor 24/7.


Beyondblue 1300 22 4636


Beyond Blue provides some great ideas for keeping mentally healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak. 




The eSafety Commissioner is providing parents and carers with tips in this online safety kit – lots of handy hints to be esmart as well as ways to report online concerns.




There is also the option of online support and counselling. https://headspace.org.au/eheadspace/.


Here are a few resources to have a look at which students have found very helpful:




Please also note that our headspace clinician will available on Fridays and can facilitate appointments over the phone or via video through telehealth. If you would like to discuss a referral to headspace please contact the SWT.


Berry Street

Practical resources and information for families, teachers and young people, including some fun stuff to do! 


I have found this routine worksheet has been helpful, very simple but seems to work. Have a go at filling in your own one and putting timeslots in (eg. period 1, recess, period 5) and perhaps put it up on your fridge and bedroom door. 



Hygiene Practice

Please take a look at this presentation by Ms Christalia Formoso, Adolescent Health Nurse in regards to good hygiene and mask management. Any concerns/queries please contact Christalia Formoso via the wellbeing email.


Masks Management - Best Practice 

The following is information on correct use of surgical/disposable face masks:

  • place mask carefully to cover mouth and nose and tie securely to minimise any gaps between the face and the mask;
  • while in use, avoid touching the mask;
  • remove the mask by using appropriate technique (i.e. do not touch the front but remove the lace from behind);
  • after removal or whenever you inadvertently touch used mask, clean hands by using an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water if visibly soiled
  • replace masks with a new clean, dry mask as soon as they become damp/humid;
  • do not re-use single-use masks;
  • discard single-use masks after each use


Thank you for reading, I hope this information provides you with some helpful resources during remote learning and in future. Please don’t hesitate to contact the SWT via email at wellbeing@gec.vic.edu.au if there are any wellbeing concerns. 


Please remember to be kind and look after yourself and one another during this time and reach out for support from your wonderful teachers and education support staff.

Take care everyone.


Alyssa Zumbo

Student Support Worker


On behalf of our GEC SWT - “HERE IF YOU NEED”

  • Nick Hamer Smith: Acting Wellbeing Leader/Assistant Principal
  • Alyssa Zumbo: Student Support Worker
  • Stanley Cheng: Mental Health Practitioner (Monday-Wednesday)
  • Christalia Formoso: Adolescent Health Nurse (Tuesday, Thursday)
  • Zoe Markopoulos: Psychologist, Student Support Services
  • Jo Aldred: Mental Health Nurse, Headspace (Friday)