Your invitation to discover….

All our children attend GEC and I'm sure you have noticed just how culturally diverse the place is.


Maybe yours is one of the many families that speak languages other than English.

But how can you connect with other GEC families from your home country?

How might you help and support the school community to make the school a fun and more enjoyable place for your children?


Well, GECPA (Glen Eira College Parents Association) is here to do just that!

During the covid-19 crisis we run our informal monthly meetings through Skype to connect and share ideas.


Join us in a meeting to discover and to share your ideas and thoughts.

Simply email for an online invitation to join our next meeting on Saturday 8th Aug at 11am.


Rose & Eliza - Co-convenors


Who We Are?

We are members of GECPA and these are our stories…


Hi everyone. 
I am originally from Peru and moved to Australia in 2005. I have two girls, one in Y8 at GEC and the other at GHPS Y5.
The first time I met the ladies from the GEC was from the walking group. They were very nice and friendly and then I joined the Parent association.
The GECPA is very active, friendly, with a good vibe and they are always there to support you and your family members. 
Hope to see you soon at our next activity or in the next meeting! 
(Ana Cervantes)
I arrived in Australia 3 years ago with my 3 children. One of them went back to France for a year and then joined us. He’s my child in Glen Eira this year (Year 12).
I’ve had my practice as an architect in France for 20 years, and over here I have a visa as a Draftsperson because I started to work for a builder. Now I work for an architect. I used to also do some advertising and communication and recently started to design bags and jewels.
I have a sister here who is a pastry chef, and this is how we came.
My older daughter is in second year at Monash Uni in Commerce and my younger one is in year 9, but she studies from home as she found it very hard to settle. I work from home, which really helps in this situation.
Before going to college my two girls spent 2 terms at Glen Eira Language center, which was really great. It’s the reason why after a short start at Mckinnon my son decided he wanted to join GEC. He needed to know that he would meet some French kids.
We love Australia for the safe feeling that it brings, the nature, and also the fact that in school a bit of authority has been kept (even though it’s really hard for my son to adjust to it, because in France there’s not so much anymore…).
We hope we’ll be able to visit more of this great country soon…
(Stephanie Ifrah-Barthelemy)



A little about me …..
In Oct 1988 I found myself on a plane. Not only was I flying for the first time, but I was leaving Malaysia! Since then I have been a one hundred percent Melburnian and I've never looked back.
Before the covid crisis we spent the school holidays travelling around in Australia. Over the last few years (despite my full-time job) we even managed to sneak in a couple of trips to Malaysia with its sunny beaches and spicy tasty food. Travelling is my passion and I hope to travel further one day.
 My husband and I have 4 beautiful children (children? but three are already in their mid-twenties!) and our ‘baby’ in Year 7. You can imagine how many schools we have been parents in, and the number of years spent in volunteer work.
Being a parent at GEC and a member of GECPA I am having a ball meeting with other parents whom I would not have otherwise met. We meet monthly and discuss a whole variety of ideas. 
Looking back, it's interesting that I never attended Parents Association meetings at my older children’s high schools (I'm still not sure if there were any!) and did not hear of what was going on except when I phoned the school office, or they phoned me!
 As a member of GECPA however I find my queries are always solved by the other parents and I am constantly impressed! All in all, we’re a bunch of fun-loving people who care and aim to help each other through our child’s years at GEC. 
(Rose Robinson)

Carnegie Pool 

Glen Eira Council is inviting community comments on a draft plan to redevelop the Carnegie Swimming Pool – Comments invited till 12 August and includes a brief survey

Glen Huntly Plan 

Glen Eira Council has drafted a plan for Glenhuntly including: 

  • preparing for the level crossing removals
  • more people friendly streets with more green space and scope for small town squares
  • improved walking and cycling paths – bus misses gappy Neerim Road bike lane used by many GEC kids and families
  • medium density and some higher development above shops
  • unfortunately the plan misses GEC as part of the community.

The plan proposes a form of city development that is a 20 minute neighbourhood where commercial and community services are located with train, tram and bus and accessible within a 20 minute walk or bicycle ride. And with more scope for walking and cycling to more local services there is less need for car travel. This form of city development offer more liveable, healthier communities, more efficient use of land for community benefits and safer streets for kids to oldies. Less need for car use reduces pollution, injury and halves transport GHG emissions compared to car-dependent suburbs. Transport from car travel is the second largest and fastest growing sector of GHG emissions, so plans like Glen Huntly are important in Glen Eira Community achieving the Councils’ net zero GHG emissions goal by 2030. GEC, some parents, the Glen Eira Climate Action Network and Glen Eira Bicycle Users Group have made submissions amongst others.


Similar changes are proposed in the Carnegie and Bentleigh Structure plans open for comment until August 27.

Environment Tips

Here are some simple swaps that can help you reduce your own carbon footprint with more sustainable choices about money and diet. What actions can I take?

  • Divest your super and your bank – Have you checked whether or not your super contributions are actively funding the fossil fuel industry? What about your bank? Click here to check! Some financial institutions essentially use your money to bankroll fossil fuel projects, but some are making a conscious effort to avoid them. You have power over where your money goes, and can choose to put it into ethical banks and super funds that will take your dollars out of the fossil fuel industry and invest them in renewable energy projects instead. Super!
  • Eat less meat, shop locally, reduce waste  – Did you know that if the greenhouse gases emitted from livestock were their own nation, they would be the world’s third-largest emitter? Everyone has different dietary and cultural needs and we recognise that a plant-based diet isn’t for everyone. But even small actions can have a big impact, like incorporating just a bit more plant-based foods and less meat into your diet, or shopping locally for locally grown food to reduce food transport emissions.

Sustainable Glen Eira Community 

Stay up-to-date with our sustainability events and programs by following our Sustainable Living in Glen Eira Facebook page at

Composting for apartments

Do you live in an apartment and are looking to reduce the waste you send to landfill?

Stonnington's program supports owners’ corporations to set up communal worm farms or compost bins.

They provide discounted worm farms and solar composters, as well as training, kitchen caddies and signage, making it easy to get involved and successfully compost your food waste.

Go to


Glen Eira Council Local COVID experience archive 

Glen Eira Council’s community hub is collecting community stories about COVID for the interactive community forum for a future archive. Young peoples contributions welcome.

Glen Eira Youth Art Show online in 2020

Follow the exhibition via Instagram: ge_yae_inspirationinisolation

See the exhibition Instagram feed below. Please note: best viewed in Chrome, Edge, Safari or Firefox, for Internet Explorer users please visit our Instagram page.

Glen Eira training programs in horticulture for young people with a disability 

Expressions of interest now open for GROW Glen Eira training program.

Inquiries Isabella Fredheim at 9848 3695, email or visit

Stonnington Council Busy, bright, young things 

The Youth Services team has been busy creating and delivering new online engagement opportunities for young people in our community in recent months. Check out the Youth Services Facebook page for more details. Online activities are also being run at the Prahran Child and Youth Community Wellbeing Hub (The Hub) located on the Horace Petty Housing Estate, South Yarra. There’s lots happening in this space – learn more at Council’s website. Alongside hosting dance and movement workshops, online art clubs and hip hop, our Expressions and FreeZa committees have been busy organising online music events and virtual film screenings. They are also hosting lockdown online sessions with youth workers if young people just want to chat or need support. Stay connected. Stay safe.


Cathy McNaughton & Rose Robinson