Principal's Report

14 August 2020

Remote Learning Update

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who completed our quick remote learning survey last week. We distributed this survey to discover the impact of our recent changes that aimed to: 

- Reduce the total number of tasks students are required to complete each week 

- Increase the real time contact with teachers and classmates

- Balance flexibility and compulsory sessions based on subjects and year levels


Summary of survey results:

  • 65% of students are completing 3-4 hours of school work per day
  • 75% of parents felt that the complexity of the learning tasks is appropriate for their children
  • 15% of students are completing 5+ hours of school work per day.

Many parents and carers took the time to leave valuable feedback in the comments. From these, it is clear that:

  • introduction of compulsory Maths/English lessons  has been well received
  • workload issues have been addressed
  • there are some families that would like better access to extension activities





While the feedback was overwhelmingly positive for our remote learning 2.0, from next week we will be introducing an extension activity for each learning task that students are encouraged to attempt if they are able to complete the compulsory tasks within the recommended time of 3-4 hours of work per day. We will also be introducing an additional School Wide Positive Behaviour Chronicle Notification so that we can recognise students who are completing these extension activities and let families know.




Some families reported that their children disliked tasks being released during the week. I understand that many students enjoyed being able to plan out their week when tasks were released on mass on a Monday, however it is clear from the survey results that releasing tasks during the week with explicit instructions has significantly improved students ability to understand tasks. It also ensures that the teacher is available to assist immediately as the tasks are released during normal class time. Previously, it would often take teachers significantly more time to respond to student queries due to running their other classes. 
















Year 7 Survey Results

Year 8 Survey Results

Year 9 Survey Results


Student Engagement and Work Completion

I continue to be proud of the engagement of our students in remote learning despite the difficult circumstances that we all face during this second period of social isolation. 

While remote learning is not a perfect substitute for onsite learning, there are many benefits including:

  • increased student independence and agency in their work
  • Improved ICT and communications skills
  • increased learner confidence
  • a reduced impact of external factors including student and staff absences

I am confident that, from an lifelong educational perspective, the vast majority of students will benefit from the pandemic. Despite this, we will ensure that we closely track student academic growth compared to previous cohorts and make appropriate adjustments to our curriculum content and classroom activities to catch students up on skills that are difficult to address in a remote environment. 

The Student Work page includes some examples of work that students have completed over the last two weeks in remote learning. 


The first of the Remote Learning 2.0 Student Newsletters will be published early next week and will contain, amongst other things, a celebration of the outstanding work that students have completed recently. 


Post Secondary Pathways in our Post COVID World

As all students will know, there is a clear expectation at Patterson River that all students should aim to continue their education following their attainment of their VCE or VCAL qualifications at the end of Year 12, whether this be an undergraduate or vocational course. One of the many reasons for this is the difference in both job satisfaction and lifetime earnings through further education and training.  


Pre-COVID, the average difference in lifetime earnings between students who completed an undergraduate course compared those who entered the workforce at the end of Year 12 was in excess of $1 Million. 


It is highly likely that the post COVID economy will negatively impact upon job prospects for young people entering the workforce (which will have a particular impact for our senior students. I therefore encourage parents more so than ever to talk up the idea of their children heading to university or participating in vocational studies at the completion of Year 12. Not only will this increase their earning prospects but will ensure that they are in education while the economy is recovering and enable them to enter the workforce at a time of improved job prospects. Karen Talbot (Careers and Pathways Coordinator) has provided some further information on the senior school news page and is available for families to make appointments to assist with careers and course counselling. 


Parent Teacher Interviews 

Parent teacher interviews will be conducted in the last week of this term via Microsoft Teams. Bookings will be made via Compass in the normal manner. Details on how to book your appointments and log onto Microsoft Teams will be distributed in the coming weeks. 

Course Counselling

Students in Years 9-11 have begun their course counselling process for 2021. Parents are advised to check Compass for information including handbooks and course counselling bookings. 


Grade 6 to 7 Transition

The College has now processed all Year 7 applications for 2021. Once again there was a very large number of applications to attend our College. After accommodating in zone students and students with siblings at the College, we will have 10 classes at Year 7 again next year. 


COVID has significantly impacted our ability to run selection processes for our EXCEL classes and scholarship interviews. We are still hopeful that we will be able to run these in term 4 prior to the creation of the 2021 form groups. If this is not possible, we have contingency plans in place to be able to run these through an online process. 


Stay safe, 

Mr Daniel Dew

College Principal