Principal's Report 

“No person has the power to have everything they want, but it is in their power not to want what they don’t have, and to cheerfully put to good use what they do have.” Seneca


We have changed the way we live our lives right now, due to Stage 4 restrictions but we have the power to choose how we respond to these changes.  The examples that parents, educators and leaders demonstrate provide young people with a guide to what is expected in our world.  The many instances in our daily lives that allow us to exhibit a choice that responds to the global health pandemic in a positive way cannot be underestimated in the eyes of children.  The students see this and reflect on this and make their own judgements about the character of the adults around them.  Our students become better global citizens when they embrace the challenges and the power that comes with what they have and can influence.


We know that the continuation of remote and flexible learning presents our students with both challenges and opportunities while ensuring the continuity of learning.  We now have the ability to see the students through the video within the Meet Now function that we use for online learning in Microsoft Teams.  We will work with student leaders to support students to make this shift and increase their sense of connection by seeing faces on the screen. It is now about readjusting student habits and routines to turn on cameras while in the session. 


We were delighted with our Parent Update evenings which we held in Webex for Year 7,8 and 9.  Each online event was well attended.  We gave updates on Stage 2, specialism selections and parent/student/teacher conferences to name a few discussion points.  Many questions were asked and answered.  The events were well received and we would like to host another evening open to all year levels before the end of term.  We hope you are able to join us.


Parent/Student/Teachers Conferences were held online through Microsoft Teams last week.  We had all staff hosting the conferences remotely due to Stage 4 and it was very successful. Thank you to all who attended and participated in these sessions.  Our staff were fantastic and gave families insight into each student’s learning growth.


We are advertising teaching positions for 2021.  If you are interested or know someone who is, please log into Recruitment Online.