School Events

Harmony Day

Harmony Day was held on Thursday the 2nd of July as part of our Evans Spirit Month. After the experience of Covid19 and its implications at school, it felt even more special to come together and celebrate. 


It was an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the rich, diverse cultures of Australia. There are over sixty languages spoken within Evans High School, Intensive English Centre and the Learning Assistance Faculty and on Harmony Day we celebrated with the universal languages of music, dance and food. 


In the weeks preceding Harmony Day, students spent hours practicing their skills in dancing, acting, public speaking, poster and video – making in preparation for the special event. When students arrived at school on Thursday morning, they were greeted with colourful flags hung across the quad, orange streamers and food stalls set up. Students themselves were decked out in beautiful cultural clothing and orange, representing ideas of social communication and meaningful conversations. Orange also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.


What a day it was!  Classroom activities included watching MADDFEST Live, a showcase of the fantastic performance skills of our students, and a lesson encouraging students to express their thought and ideas about Harmony. Products of this lesson included plans of a Harmony Village, poetry, role plays, meaningful discussions and frozen images. 


Later students participated in a fashion parade in the quad, representing a wide array of cultures. A video collating the migration stories and life experiences of our students shown in the library. A lunch was held, with opportunities for students to sample falafel plates, butter chicken, dumplings, pizza and other delicious foods. The satisfied crowd then lounged with their friends on picnic rugs on the oval, listening and watching the Harmony Day performances. It included an array of musical pieces and dance items performed by students from across the school. One thing is for sure – we have some very talented students at Evans! 


Many thanks to the students and teachers who worked so hard to make Harmony Day 2020 such a wonderful day for all. 

No Room For Racism Day

On Monday June 22, our Student Leadership Team showed great initiative in preparing and delivering a racism awareness lesson to their fellow peers. 


The SLT organised their peers to complete a self reflection slip. They were asked to contribute a positive thought or explain a challenge they have overcome in 2020.


Students then stuck their self reflection slip on the front of the school hall which created a whole school mural.


Well-done to everyone involved!

You can check out the presentation below: