Deputy Principals' Reports
Intensive English Centre Deputy Principal
Mrs Mee Liau
The return to full face-to-face teaching and learning from 1st June 2020 saw relieved students keen to connect with friends, teachers and studies. High school interviews were aptly arranged for the forty-four IEC Term 1 leavers, many of whom have started at their next learning chapter in mainstream at this moment.
Another thirty-eight accomplished students will be leaving by the end of Term 2.
On the 15th June 2020, we were privileged to be offered a free online writing workshop for students by The Story Factory. Below are some insightful innocent composition by some IEC students:
Before and after COVID-19 reflections
Kindness is a mind to help others.
Friendship is friends who I want to share with them.
Happiness is when I watch Netflix with some delicious things.
Hope is the future.
Peace is the sound of birds in the morning.
I shared a bottle with my friend but suddenly we have to separate from each other and now everyone can’t share anything even though they live together.
Kindness is all the doctors who work without wanting anything.
Friendship is worrying about the health of your friends.
Happiness is that my acquaintances are being very well.
Hope is to decrease the number of confirmed virus cases.
Peace is COVID-19 is done
Now, all people have to wear masks and if there are people who don’t wear it, everyone doubts them.
Peaceful is the harmonies of people to each other
Helplessness is a man help a grandma cross the road
Friendship is the happiness while we having fun together
Happiness is when I open the pantry and saw full of Oreo
Hope is like a birthday cake when I wish and blow the candle
Suddenly my friend is gone, I wake up in a quiet and dark room just like jail, what is happening to my life?
Peaceful is like a star when I sitting in my room and look outside the window
Helplessness is helping parents doing housework
Friendship is the missing of friends while staying at home
Happiness is sitting on the sofa and having fun with siblings
Hope is the news that heard by government from the news
Friendship is a relationship between me and my pillow during COVID.
Love is a virus feeling that likes to spread to humans.
Sadness is my feeling when the government said, “Stay at home”.
Kindness is when the volunteers help people who need help.
Helpful is when I use google classroom to do my work when I stay home.