Parents and Friends Association

Love reading? then this news is for you. It is with great excitement that I announce that your school library is now open to EVERYONE (including parents) for borrowing! We have over 13,000 books including an extensive fantasy, non-fiction and adult fiction collection. So if you have a student attending this school then you are able to borrow books from us, it is that simple. The library will be open for parents/guardians to browse and borrow Monday to Friday after school from 3:15 to 3:45. Bring some ID and you will be set to go; limit of 6 books per adult, no library fines unless loss of a book occurs.
Once you join the library I can show you how to access the library catalogue as well which will mean you can reserve popular titles and check out what we have that might interest you. Any questions please feel free to email me at: in the library fun
It’s easy as 1, 2, 3!
Post Covid, let’s choose to build up the Koonung Community. You can help by volunteering to help organise part of one of these events. We know you’re busy and we promise you can volunteer the amount of time you have, no pressure to do more. Let’s enjoy the fruit of working together for a good cause. The first step is to “put up your hand." We’ll be in contact and chat about how to best use the time you’ve got available.
1 ~ Fathers’ Day Breakfast ~ Friday 2 September 7.30-8.30am Volunteer to oversee decorating, organise an activity, coordinate local businesses for prizes, facilitate food.
2 ~ World Teachers’ Day Morning Tea ~ Friday 28 OctoberVolunteer to oversee decorations, arrange a delicious morning tea.
3 ~ Koonung Day ~ Thursday 1 September, during school hours It’s been a couple of years since the school has been able to hold Koonung Day. It’s an opportunity to celibate the school. In the past the PFA have organised free activities for the students (like tug-o-war, apple bobbing, Chocolate toss). Volunteer to help bring some fun into the celebrations. New ideas welcome!
Volunteer by this form - Remember, even one hour volunteered makes a difference!
Year Level Parent Representatives
In the spirit of creating community and connection after an extended period of social disruption, the PFA would like to introduce the exciting new initiative of “Year Level Parent Representative(s)”. The vision for this essentially involves a minimum of 2 parent volunteers from each year level to be the drivers of parent & carer social events for their year level. It can be whatever you want it to be based on the level of energy and vibe from your year level. For example the Year Level Parent Reps may like to host 1 or 2 evening events per year at a nearby local venue, or organise a family picnic/bbq at a local park, or a coffee catch-up once a term. This will be especially exciting for the Year 12 group as graduation approaches, to keep the connections going! After an immensely successful recent Year 7 Parent social event hosted at Bin 3 Balwyn, it's the perfect opportunity to share this great success with all the other year levels so they can also enjoy creating some positive connections. As Year Level Parent Reps, you will have the full support of the PFA to help establish and facilitate your ideas, initiatives and events. To register your interest in becoming a Year Level Parent Representative, please contact Andrew Gifford 0490 831 427 or Vittoria O’Brien (; 0419588914)
Year 7 Parent Social Group
Make connection with other parents from year 7! Connecting with other parents at secondary school is not always easy so this a wonderful opportunity:
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Remember to support the shop by donating/selling and buying school clothes from there and support the school community. The shop is open each Friday between 1:15 pm - 3:30 pm. We’re grateful to May-Na and Sophia who are organising the shop! They are looking for another volunteer who would be able to help out at the shop on an an occasional basis on Friday afternoons during school time. If you could help out, contact May-Na and Sophia via email:
2022 PFA team
President: Andrew Gifford (parent of student in Year 10)
Vice President: Martina Johnson (parent of students in Year 8 and 10)
Secretary: Belinda Herrington (parent of student in Year 8)
Treasurer: Johan Cameron (parent of student in Year 10)
PFA contact details:
Andrew Gifford
PFA President