Visual Arts

National Gallery of Victoria Australia - Year 7Arts Excursion
Students in Year 7 were able to participate in an all day excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria- Australia at Federation Square on Thursday and Friday 16th & 17th of June, 2022.
Students were able to view the several exhibitions, both from the permanent and current collections. It was an action packed day with lots to do and see as students were able to wonder through all the exhibition spaces and immerse themselves in what NGVA had to offer. For some students this was the very first time they had visited NGVA or even entered an Art Gallery so the experience was unique, interesting and engaging. Our program included the following:
Start with Art
Connect with art and design at the NGV. Explore ideas. Ask questions. Think imaginatively. This educator-led program is an ideal introduction to the NGV, and an opportunity for students to explore how art and design connects with the past and the present and their own lives.
Top Arts
Top Arts 2022 presents diverse and accomplished works of art from students who have completed Art or Studio Arts as part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE).
Students from throughout metropolitan and regional Victoria included in Top Arts 2021 explored topics including gender identity, community, consumerism and the immersive experience of sporting arenas.
Ron Mueck
Australian-born Ron Mueck has been creating hyper-realistic, figurative sculptures since his debut as an artist in 1997. His work is known for its attention to detail, choice of subjects and use of scale.
Indigenous Art NGV collection
The Indigenous Artworks offer a series of visual dialogues, in order to explore how parallel innovations and continuities can continue to inspire new ways of thinking about art.
Who are you? Australian Portraiture – Level 3
The exhibition examines Australian portraiture made in a variety of ways throughout time, considers its role in developing a sense of national identity and questions what a portrait can be and represent.
A very special thank you to all staff who offered their time, patience and enthusiasm support the Visual Arts Domain to make the excursion happen and to allow all Year 7 students to attend.
Thank you to Chris Henson, Kirby Sens, Alia Stewart, Penny Latham, Miriam Saward, Luke Wilcockson, Gavin Yates, Karen Riding, Bridget Gourlay. Many thanks to KSC Daily Organizer for all the support with planning.
2022 Artist In Schools (AIS) - Damian Curtain
We welcome Damian Curtain, sculpture artist and environmentalist. Damian will be joining us for Semester 2 and working with the Year 9 Urban art class on a project titled ‘Nature embedded’.
Examples of Damian Curtain’s current works include:
AIS Project, ‘Nature Embedded’, will focus on using the Art Elements of line, shape and texture. The artist & class teacher will work in collaboration with the Year 9 Urban art class to brainstorm, create and present a sculptural piece to the KSC community within the grounds of A Block.
But……. we need your help!
We would like timber to use for the project. Artist, Damian Curtain is after 600mm x 600mm cypress pine. We are keen to see if we can source this timber to be provided as a donation to the 2022 AIS Project.
If anyone has any contacts please contact the College and ask for AIS Project Coordinator- Helen Briffa, Visual Arts Domain Leader – 9890 9662
New ideas for the 2022 KSC artwork:
Our Visual Arts Curriculum focuses on developing students’ art knowledge & skills, develop the processes of learning how to appreciate and produce works of art, heighten curiosity, keenness in observation, analytical & critical thinking and ability and to sharpen their creativity.
Not only would such learning experiences help Koonung Secondary students nurture talents for our creative industries, more importantly, the aesthetic pursuits help enrich the lives of our students and all those who come across their work of arts.
KSC celebrated an Arts Showcase of students’ achievements and I am so proud to have exhibited of all their efforts, hard work and creativity throughout the works that were on display. We hope that you enjoy viewing the creative talents of the KSC students.
Thank you to the Visual Arts Domain teachers who exhibited students works-
- Amy McLellan, Chris Henson, Kirby Sens & Alia Stewart
- Arts Captains- Zoe Li & Lucy Niu
- Admin staff for all their assistance with digital communication
- KSC Maintenance team, Mat Douglass and Peter Martin
- All the staff & student helpers who supported us with the display boards
- Elizabeth Rossmann for loaning us the library
- Daily organisation for helping with all the planning
Helen Briffa
Visual Arts / Technology Teacher
Arts Domain Leader
2022 Arts Week Showcase
It was Arts Week at Koonung last week and a highlight of the week was an Arts Showcase, where works of art from Years 7-11 were exhibited in the KSC library. There were some creative Year 7 Artwork, exciting Year 8 artwork, brilliant 8 & 9 VCD works (visual communication design), amazing etchings from Year 9 Art, talented Year 10 VCD works and inspiring Year 11 Studio arts.
We have been running small activities in the GLC room in the library and we had a good amount of students come to check out each day’s arts events.
Our theme was, ’50 Years from NOW’, so many of the activities were based on concepts of this theme. From scrapbooking photo frames to decorating your own cardboard puzzle to Steam Pun art inspired by our theme - everything was futuristically amazing.
Zoe Li & Lucy Niu
2022 Arts Captains