Snapshot of Learning by Grade 3

A Snapshot of Learning by Grade 3


This Term, the Grade 3 students have been learning in Mathematics about 2 Dimensional shapes and 3 Dimensional objects. As part of their unit of work, students were challenged to design a geometric city. Students explored different geometric shapes such as the triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, and cube, which helped them in designing their Geo city. 


Here are some student accounts about the Geocity Project: 

This term the Year 3 students were working on a city made of shapes called a ‘Geocity’. We used our maths skills and our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. First we sketched out our space for the building and drew shapes.We used grid paper and nets to make our city come alive.

This project was very fun and interesting. Once we put it all together it looked amazing.

We all enjoyed it!

By Rebecca, Coran, Matilda and Preston in 3 Blue 


Another account 

A few weeks ago the Year 3s made Geo Metro Cities. These are maps of cities with 2D nets made out of paper to make 3D buildings on top. 

First we made prototype 3D objects and then a base map of a part of a city on a grid. First we planned where the road and buildings were and then cut out the nets and decorated them. After that we glued them to our cities. Then we cut out the paper around the base map and glued all the city districts together to make the whole city. It was so fun to make!

By Saneyah and Charlotte in 3 Red