Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Child Safety Team

We continue to meet as a Child Safety Team once a fortnight. The Team consists of our two College Counsellors, Arlene Diston and Casey Cilia, along with Director of Wellbeing, Ms Jackie Kol, and myself. This team is also keen for student input as it is so important for us to hear and understand from a range of students’ perspectives. Students have and will be participating in some of our meetings to facilitate this. If your child would like to be a part of our meetings, please ask them to contact one of the team members.


Respect is one of our Behavioral Expectations at Nazareth. In our Religious Education Program students learn the Catholic Teaching that all people have been created in the image and likeness of God and are therefore precious/sacred. People should be treated with dignity and respect, not because of what they have done, but because of what they are – a child of God. For this reason, all people are worthy of respect. We are working hard to make it clear to our students what respect looks like, how it is acted and lived out, especially in relation to others. Students who have been engaged in a digital world for so long seem to sometimes find it hard to see what respect means in an ‘in person world’. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to also have conversations with their child about respect and school life. From listening to others, to doing our best in class, from wearing the uniform well to placing rubbish in the bins provided – these are all areas where we can live as respectful Nazarenes. It is an area we are working on and desire to work together with families. 

Year 11 Reflection Day Postponed

The Year 11 Reflection Day, that was scheduled for Monday 23 May 2022 has been postponed. We are looking to have this rescheduled for Term 3 2022.

Middle of Term 2

As we are moving towards the middle of Term 2 2022, it is time for students to be consistent with their routines and keep persisting and working hard. We have had a few weeks to get into the swing of things and, for our senior students’, assessments and exams loom (for Year 10 and 11 students) in just a few weeks. We invite parents/guardians/carers to work with us to keep students on track, organsied and focused. If there are any issues or concerns at home that are impacting, please contact the College so as we can support.

As we move through the term, it is good to be grateful for the normal business of school life that we are able to enjoy at the moment. Excursions, sports, camps, incursions etc have all been able to occur this year, as the COVID Team has continued to meet daily to review all out of class activities to mitigate risks. It is great to see students enjoying all of these extra activities and the learning and growth that happens outside of the classroom. We give thanks to God that we are able to offer these learning opportunities for our students.


God Bless


Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal – Staff and Students