Principal's Report
‘Building our Community in Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge’
‘You are part of a building that has Jesus for its main cornerstone’.
You, too in Him, are being built into a house where God lives in the Spirit’.
Ephesians 2:19-22
Dear Parents, Guardians and friends of Nazareth
It is wonderful to report that our students and families have continued to experience the new normal in schooling. The certainty of schools remaining open has assisted our students in their programs and also in their learning experiences beyond the classroom. Many excursions/incursions, camps, swimming and cross country competitions have taken place. At times, these have been challenging due to the risk factor, however, their benefits outweigh them being cancelled.
There are many challenges due to illness, and on certain days we have had large numbers of absences. I thank families for keeping their children at home when they are unwell. This prevents the risk of passing illnesses along.
The College recently farewelled a long serving member of the Administration Team over the last 16 years, Ms Alice Peters. Alice has taken a position at another school. At her farewell, she spoke about what she had acquired whilst at Nazareth and the many friendships she has developed with students, parents, and staff members. Alice was a contributor and will be missed by all.
Ms Meghan Horwood (College Accountant) has also moved to another school after 18 months at Nazareth. She will be missed, and we wish her the best in her new role.
These changes have triggered some reshuffling. Both Ms Jackie Ousalkas and Ms Tenille Kirk (previously Reception) have now been appointed to the Student Services position, while Mrs Helene Diamantopoulos will soon commence her role as the College Receptionist. Helene has worked in Marketing and Development for the past five years, together with Ms Lauren Conlon, who will be commencing Parental Leave at the end of this term. We will soon be advertising for a Marketing & Development Officer (fixed term) parental leave position.
As one can imagine, staffing in the current environment is not easy. Added to this is a teacher shortage and the effects of the pandemic. There have been numerous staff absences and replacement teachers of late. It is hoped that this situation will be rectified in the near future. Consequently, we welcome past teachers out of retirement that are still registered to contact the College to join the emergency teachers register.
A reminder that any student wanting to apply for a scholarship in 2023 at Nazareth College is now open. All information can be accessed on the College webpage the closing date for applications is this Friday 20 May 2022.
In conclusion, I thank families for their patience in dropping off and picking up their children.
A new boom gate has been installed to stop families from entering the staff car park during the peak morning hours. This is due to restricted car parks and for the safety of our students that walk along the carpark roadside. The boom gate will be open in the afternoon as staff cars will be parked and stationary, and there is less movement during this time. It is hoped that this will ease the traffic along Manning Drive. Please remember we do this for the safety of all. We do not accept deliveries beyond the boom gates entry during recess times to avoid cars entering while our students are on their breaks – this is an action implemented for the safety and welfare of all our students.
The City of Greater Dandenong has advised that parking inspectors will be patrolling the area, especially the area around the crossing. Vehicles can not park next to the crossing nor restrict nearby residents’ driveways. Please obey the parking signs and respect our neighbours and the bylaws which are in place for the safety of all.
Keep safe and God bless
Mr Sam Cosentino