Mabo House News

Hi Everyone,
Welcome to Term 3!
It has been a busy start to the term amongst the blackouts and this 3-degree weather, but our Mabo students have all settled back into routine in amazing fashion so well done. This term we have a lot to look forward to, Staff vs Students competitions, Mid Semester Awards Ceremony, interschool sports such as Hockey, Rugby, Soccer and Basketball. On the 8th of August our teaching staff will be working hard to develop their practice, so students will get to stay at home on this day. We ask that students take this time to catch up on any work that is outstanding for their classes to support them in staying on top of their workload. On Wednesday 17th of September, we have our Student Led Learning Conferences, it is imperative to book in with the teachers of your child to connect with them regarding their learning and behaviour progress. Bookings will open on compass via your parent portal so keep an eye out!
Thank you to the Year 10 and 11 students who attended their course counselling appointment, it is so important to work through this with your course counsellor to ensure you have a pathway you enjoy and feel success in. Bookings can be made by students for all upcoming course counselling events via Compass.
A huge congratulations to all our Mabo students for their efforts on earning nominations for living our HPSC values. Currently our nominations stats are:
Respect: 217 student nominations
Learning: 1549 student nominations
Working Together: 724 nominations
Leadership: 106 nominations
Community: 54 nominations
That is a total of 2650 nominations since the beginning of the year!
Please remind your teachers to nominate you, we love celebrating how wonderful you are.
A huge thank you to all the staff who went on the amazing Mill Valley Ranch Camp with our Year 8 students. Everyone had a fantastic time, and you can read a little more about it from one of our happy campers Heng below.
On behalf of the team, we hope you have a restful winter holiday and enjoy some quality time with family and friends.
Take care and we look forward to working with you in Term 3!
A message from Val: From now on the RAT tests provided by the DET will not go out during Mentor classes, if you would a pack please come and see the Mabo office. Also students need to come and collect their subject selection forms to get signed by their caregivers once they have completed their course counselling. These then need to come back us in Mabo!
A message from Mr Marriot: It’s getting to that time of the year, wonderful people! As Year 12s, we have only 11 weeks to go so it is time to pull out all the stops and give 100%. And we don’t mean that it is time to think about it – it is time to actually DO IT!!!
As the year winds up, we all want to make sure that we feel proud of our efforts at the end of the year. We at Hampton Park Secondary College know you can do it – we have confidence that you can give that final push to cross the finish line!
Today, you should make sure that you have a study plan. You should be doing study and homework every night of the week until the end!
One hour every night.
We know that it is hard. We know that you are tired. We know that sometimes it is hard to be motivated.
But we also know that you can do it.
Good luck.
We look forward to working with our Mabo students and families again this term and if you need anything or want to drop in and say hi we look forward to seeing you in the Mabo House!
The Mabo Team 😊
Mabo Staff Member of the Month
Name – Ellen Newton (not DeGeneres)
Favourite Subject – Health and Human Development
Favourite Food – Nachos from GYG
Favourite Style of Music – Sad songs (or anything on Triple J)
Hobbies – Walking, Online Shopping, Keeping up with the Kardashians
Movie you would recommend – Jumanji 2 (anything with the Rock in it!)
Quote you live by – It’s a good day to have a good day. (Positive vibes – love that energy!)
Who do you look up to and why? The Health & PE Team – they all inspire me to work hard, strive for our personal best, support each other and have fun!
What is a piece of advice you would give to students? Show me your friends, I’ll show you your future. (Sounds intense but it’s so true – keep your friendship circle positive and full of people motivating you to be the best version of you!)
Mabo Student of the Month
Name: Isa Ziberoski
Favourite Subject: Maths
Favourite Food: Cheesey Pizza
Favourite Style of music: Rap
Hobbies: Soccer, video games and hanging with my friends.
Movie you would recommend: The first Scream movie
Quote you live by: If you want to shop without looking at the tag, you have to work without looking at the clock!
Who do you look up to and why? Lionel Messi the soccer player, he was a big positive influence when I was growing up because he brought me so much joy when I watched him play!
What is a piece of advice you would give to students? Respect your teachers because they are the ones helping you with your future.