Hollows House News

Dear Hollows House,
Welcome back for Term 3! It will once again be another highly eventful and successful term for us, and we look forward to seeing you all thrive in all areas of our great school.
So far this term, we have moved effortlessly into our new Semester’s classes, as well as continuing the great work that we finished at the end of Term 2 in whole-year subjects such as English, Maths, EAL, Literacy and Numeracy. It has been really pleasing to see you all getting straight into classes and interacting with your teachers and peers so respectfully, despite the early challenges that we have all had to face. Many students at other schools may complain to no end if there were ongoing power, internet and heating issues at their school- the resilience that you have shown and the understanding of what is not an ideal situation, makes me more proud to be a leader at this great school. Our students really do find a way to keep pressing through difficult situations!
Last week, we held our House assembly in the RPAC, combining with the second-best house, Freeman. Ms Kios and I were very grateful for the respect and flexibility shown in order to conduct such a successful assembly. Below are a number of reminders that we raised in the House assembly, that we wish to make sure stays at the forefront of your minds, as you progress through this term.
Our theme as a college this term is to ‘be your best’. When we are all working towards being our best, our college will be the best it can be, and we will together achieve remarkable things. When we are the best versions of ourselves, we inspire others to be better and we raise the expectations of ourselves and of others. ‘Students at HPSC can do remarkable things’ and they honestly can. We believe in you and we will continue to support you, but we need to do this together. As a college we can be the school of choice in the future and you, as our future generation, will achieve the best results that you can. We ask that each of you think about, every day, are you being the best version of yourself, and if so fantastic. If not , what small changes could you make to be the best version of yourself so that you can achieve the success we know you are capable of. We have some examples of students being the best version of themselves from last term:
- Our theme as a college this term is to ‘be your best’. When we are all working towards being our best, our college will be the best it can be, and we will together achieve remarkable things. When we are the best versions of ourselves, we inspire others to be better and we raise the expectations of ourselves and of others. ‘Students at HPSC can do remarkable things’ and they honestly can. We believe in you and we will continue to support you, but we need to do this together. As a college we can be the school of choice in the future and you, as our future generation, will achieve the best results that you can. We ask that each of you think about, every day, are you being the best version of yourself, and if so fantastic. If not , what small changes could you make to be the best version of yourself so that you can achieve the success we know you are capable of.
Wearing our uniform with pride each and every day. No black hoodies and no other items that are not school uniform. Uniform blitzes will begin next week on the gates and in classes. Please make sure you are in your uniform every day. If you need to get new items or you need support, see your HLT. Passes are needed to be carried by every student out of uniform, who have a valid reason. No mixing and matching of uniform – either full PE or full academic uniform. We are working on new additional items of the uniform to support you in the colder months and to further boost our school pride. - On time every time – all students need to arrive to class on time, every time, prepared for learning. Far too many students are late to school and late to class. This is preparing you for life beyond school, for work for further study. Being on time supports your learning and helps others learn best too – as you are not interrupting their learning. A reminder about the process for late to school and late to class.
- 90% attendance. All students should be working towards maintaining an attendance percentage of 90% or above. Any student who is unwell needs to stay home, however, we also need medical certificates for any absences. Year 11 and 12 students have been redeeming their time to reach 90% as this can also impact their success. Year 10 students, we will be rolling out redemption of time for you all too, this Term. Any Year 10 student below 90% will be required to redeem time and make it up, if their absences are not VCE approved (meaning with a certificate). Our senior policy states any student below 90% is at risk of not passing their subjects and needs to make up this time. SLLs will be in touch with all students below 90% soon
- Mobile phones – a reminder they are not to be visible during the day and need to be in lockers.
- Bags – need to be in lockers – no sharing of lockers, no moving of lockers and no bags in the spaces. Locker audit happening this Term. If you are not in your locker you need to be and this will be checked. Locks can be purchased from the office
- Ear pods – not to be worn outside and around the school. Earphones are used only for learning purposes. Remove them when in the yard.
- Covid safe – a reminder about not being complacent. Wear a mask when indoors.
- Not in classrooms before the teacher arrives – please make sure you wait for your teacher before you enter the classroom.
- Demonstrating our values in action every day – being the best version of self
- Carry diaries around the college – organisation, planning and also if you are walking around the school. No student can leave the classroom without their diary
- Lockers between period 1 and 2 – should not be happening. Take all with you to period 1 and 2. Only access your locker in break time(s).
- Toilet- too many students leaving classes to go to the toilet – we need to practice better time management. This is important for senior assessment. Students should not be asking to go to the toilet straight after a break time, or just before one.
- SWPBs – we know what it means to demonstrate our values in action every day. Classroom teachers are looking for examples of this in your actions in the classroom and in the yard. For every student and staff member to feel safe and happy we all need to live out our values in action every single day. This is another way we can be our best version of self. A student forum will be held this Term where we will, together with students, further develop our school wide positive behaviours (SWPBS) approach. More information will be shared about this shortly. Well done to those who have achieved values nominations so far and values awards.
We look forward to continuing to work with you all this term and supporting you and your families to get the most out of the second half of the year. Feel free to contact us in the Hollows Office, should you need any support, when it comes to wellbeing or curriculum- we are more than happy to assist.
Mr Andrews.
Hollows House Leader
(on behalf of the Hollows team) -Mr Hare (7/8), Mr Knowles (9/10), Miss Lingard (11/12), Mr Musa (7-12), Ms Jo Miller (House administration) and Mr Eldridge (Assistant Principal).