Principal's Report

Term 3 is often referred to as the Premiership quarter. It is time to accelerate on the foundational work that students have completed so far. For our Graduates our Year 12 students, it is the last final full term in secondary school. With continued hard work, determination and focus you will be well placed to achieve your goals and ambitions.
We commence Term 3 by welcoming a number of new staff to our college.
Leading Teacher - VCE Vocational Major and Pathways - Lizl Tregidga
Teacher - English/Humanities
Amedeo Astorino
Education Support -
Facilities and Maintenance Manager
Colin Roberts
Education Support - Maintenance /Grounds person - Lachy Montgomery
- Education Support - - Youth Worker
Annalisa Picone
Education Support: Joanne Van De Velde - VET Innovation Leader
This week, interviews were conducted for our advertised Assistant Principal position. I am excited to announce that Andrea Bellgrove, will be joining the team at HP. Andrea is currently at Dandenong High School and is a highly experienced Assistant Principal. Andrea will be moving across to our college in a few weeks’ time.
Last week, our Careers, Pathways and Domain expo took place. Our students were provided with opportunities to hear from over 25 exhibitors. These included,
- Ai Group Apprentice & Trainee Centre
- Box Hill Institute
- Brick & Block Careers
- Carlton College of Sport
- Collarts
- CVGT Employment Group
- Deakin College
- Deakin University
- Federation University
- Foresite & Arbortrim Training
- Gre8
- HeadStart
- Jason Coleman's Ministry of Dance
- Melbourne Institute of Technology
- Monash University
- National Food Institute- RTO 3821
- Photography Studies College
- SECL Inspired By You
- SELLEN - South East Local Learning and Employment Network
- Skillinvest Ltd
- Southern Migrant & Refugee Centre
- St Kilda Football Club & Holmesglen
- Uniting Vic Tas
- Victoria Police PSO
- Victoria University
- William Angliss Institute
Thank you to the families who supported and attended this event.
I wish to thank Lisa Benporath from Careers for her excellent work in organising this important event. Thanks also to other members of the team for their support.
Thank you also to the Domain leaders for their work with the displays.
Assistant Principal Kelly Krieg also presented the new Senior School Certificate. In previous editions of the Newshamper I have mentioned that the Senior school certificate options are changing across the state. Kelly has recorded a video of her presentation, so that it may be shared with families. A recording in Dari is available to assist our Dari speaking families.
Our Course Counselling for 2023 is currently underway. Last week, it was our current Year 11 turn. This week the focus has been on our Year 10 students entering the Senior School. Other dates include.
- Year 9 to 10 - Monday 25th July
- Year 8 to 9 - Tuesday 2nd August
- Year 7 to 8 - Tuesday 9th August
This week, students had the opportunity to attend the South- East Careers and Try a Trade Expo. During this visit students were able to engage in hands on activities. There were also exhibits from universities, TAFEs, RTOs, community service organisations and industry about post school education and employment opportunities.
This year we will be hosting our inaugural Presentation Awards Assembly. The purpose of this Awards Assembly is to recognise academic excellence, learning growth and personal best. This will take place on Friday 29th July, 10.15 to 11.30am. Parents and carers of all Award recipients will be invited to the assembly and encouraged to remain for morning tea. Joining us on the special occasion will be local member Gary Maas, Luke Delutis School Council President and Kelly- Anne Fisher, School Council Vice President.
During the holiday break, work was conducted to upgrade our schools’ electrical switchboard. Unfortunately, we have experienced power outages and further work is required. I am working closely with the VSBA (Victorian School Building Authority) to address the issues as soon as possible.
During the week, we wrote to all members of our community, to inform you of the latest health advice around being covid safe. It is highly recommended for all students, staff and visitors to wear face masks when inside buildings or when unable to socially distance while outside. We have been handing masks and encouraging there use across the school. This advice aims to keep everyone safe, and I thank you for your support.
Thank you for your continued support as we strive to transform our school from good to great.
Wayne Haworth