Upcoming Dates

Term 3

Some important upcoming dates to note:


Course Counselling:

-A compulsory part of our learning program and responsibility to support every student to achieve success


• All students will attend a one-on-one Course Counselling session with members of their House Team. We strongly encourage parents participating in these calls as well. All these calls will occur remotely via Teams. On the day assigned to each year level, students are not required at school. Bookings for these Course Counselling sessions can now be made via Compass. Students need to login to Compass and book their session at least 48hrs before their assigned date.  


The following dates have been set aside for Course Counselling:

• Yesterday - Thursday 14th July 2022- Year 11 (Year 12 in 2023)

•Wednesday 20th July 2022- Year 10 (Year 11 in 2023)

•Monday 25th July 2022- Year 9 (Year 10 in 2023)

•Tuesday 2nd August 2022- Year 8 (Year 9 in 2023)

•Tuesday 9th August 2022- Year 7 (Year 8 in 2023)


Victorian School Term and Holiday Dates for 2022 can be found here.

Other events this Term to be aware of

  • Reports were released to families Friday 15th July – on Compass
  • Year 7 Swimming program this Term for those who have not attended
  • SAC/SAT dates and any upcoming assessment – check Compass – be prepared, ready and on time
  • Mid Year Awards Assembly (whole school) Friday 29th July.
  • Semester 1 academic awards presentation/values awards/learning growth/ACER Awards/subject awards/VET/VCAL/instrumental music and attendance awards
  • Happening during Mentoring
  • Students receiving an Award will get a letter and will be required to attend a rehearsal for the day – with more information to come
  • Year Level assemblies in Mentor to communicate upcoming events and to celebrate student success – check compass
  • PPD for Staff August 8. Pupil free day. Staff to further develop their learning
  • Student Led Conferences Wednesday 17th August – more information to come
  • Monash University Program with Year 12 students Friday 19th July in Mentor
  • Friday 26th August is a Curriculum Day – Pupil free day
  • The GAT – any student doing a Year 12 subject and all Senior VCAL students - Wednesday 7th September - A practice GAT will happen in advance for all students prior to this date
  • End of Year Exams – information to come for Years 10-12 Students
  • Term ends Friday 16th September