Health Space

What is The Body Project?
Many young people experience negative thoughts and feelings about their body. This can be the way they think about, feel towards, perceive and act towards their body.
The Body Project is an internationally recognised evidence-based program to empower young people in their own body and challenge pressures placed on them by society to pursue particular body or appearance ideals. The program aims to decrease the extent to which young women ‘buy into’ societal appearance ideals by voluntarily engaging them in a series of verbal, written and behavioural exercises.
The program is suitable for students who identify themselves as being dissatisfied with their body and may be engaging in dieting and disordered eating behaviours.
The program is:
- A four-week program delivered over consecutive weeks
- Sessions are 75min in duration (or a single period)
- Designed to be delivered to a group of up to 12 young people
- Delivered by EDV trained facilitators
- Delivered during school hours
Did you know?
The Body Project Australia was developed through a partnership with the Body Project Collaborative. The Body Project Collaborative has over 15 years of international research, with 3.5 million people in 25 countries having participated in some form of the Body Project.
Who this program is for:
This program is for young people aged 14 to 18 years who identify as female and experience body dissatisfaction or body image concerns.
When will it be delivered:
Four weekly sessions with two facilitators (she/her) and a small group of young people from mid August.
Who will deliver the program:
Kaye Walker (HPSC Health Promotion Nurse) who is an Accredited Facilitator of The Body Project
Prue Walker (HPSC School Nurse)
This is an interactive program in a friendly, small group setting. Participation involves a combination of activities, reflection and group discussion with peers. Some activities will need to be completed before each session. It is important to attend all four weeks, and be open to engaging with others during the sessions.
Please contact the school nurses Kaye Walker or Prue Smith via reception for further information or if you have any questions. See link: The Body Project Australia | Eating Disorders Victoria
- There were over 600 student visits to the Health Space/Sick Bay in term 2. The majority of students return to class after assessment and a few are collected by families as they are too unwell to continue at school.
- Many students and staff are struggling with colds and flu’s at this time. Thanks to all families who are keeping their students at home when they are unwell and to to those whose children have received the flu vaccine for 2022.
- RAT tests are available for every student for the remainder of term 3. It is strongly encouraged that each student and teacher test twice a week to ensure that they don’t have Covid-19.
- There will be 3 RAT kits distribution days this term the first being Friday 22nd of July. If you run out of RAT kits and need another, please get your child to ask their house office admin or to collect one from the Health Space/Sick Bay.
- First Aid Training will be run for all interested staff at the beginning of August so we can offer the best care for our students both on campus and while on school activities off-campus.
To increase our Health Promotion focus, targeting key areas of concern (beginning with vaping), Kaye is setting up - on Thursday at lunchtime - a Health Pop Up in Freeman House. Students are encouraged to come and ask questions and access health information about anything health related.