Wellbeing Team News

Welcome back!

Welcome back to Term 3, which is a busy one for the Wellbeing Team, with Wear It Purple and R U OK? Day both coming up very quickly! 


This term we are excited to welcome a new member to our team. Annalisa is a youth worker who will be with us until the end of the year, so you will no doubt see her around running programs and Breakfast Club - stop in and say hi to her. She has introduced herself here: 


Youth Worker: 

Hello my name is Annalisa Picone,


And I would like to introduce myself to the HPSC community and say a big thank you to all on welcoming me to the school.


I am the new youth worker and are very excited to be part of your well-being team, I am so passionate and love engaging with the youth of today and hope to empower them in any capacity that I can.


I hope to bring a positive fun vibe to the students and get to know them as best I can, also a shout out to the well-being team for being so supportive and just awesome humans with my induction to this roll.

