On Wednesday 10 August, McKinnon Secondary College had the pleasure of hosting an exceptional guest speaker, the State Treasurer and Minister for Economic Development, Tim Pallas MP. Students studying Units 3/4 Global Politics, Economics, and Accounting had the opportunity to listen to Mr Pallas and face tough questions ranging from state economic decisions to the internal structure of political parties.
Mr Pallas gave insight into his role within the state as Treasurer and emphasised the importance of remaining politically aware and recognising right from wrong. He stressed combating cynicism about politicians, and the role of social media and its obstructive ability to influence the democratic institutions our country is built upon that have maintained integrity for over 100 years and evolved to be truly representative of all Australians.
This event made me feel I could make a change. Not only was this a critical learning experience for all involved, but it was also a compelling and riveting interaction to voice the diverse opinions and concerns about Victoria by Victoria’s youth, and to get a real response and a sense of accountability from one of the people in charge.
Sai Waller
Year 12 Student