With roughly seven weeks left of Year 12, the whole cohort has been in study mode, with at least a SAC a day for the rest of the term. Although this is daunting (both the unprecedented amount of school work ahead of us and the idea of not being with your best friends every day), we’ve once again riled together to begin our preparations for the much anticipated Year 12 Assembly.
After last year’s assembly was cancelled due to restrictions, the year level has been feeling the pressure, but we’re in luck. Almost 60 ideas have been submitted for Year 12 videos, accompanied by eager students willing to host the event and just people who want to help out in any way possible. This sense of comradery is what I love about McKinnon. No matter how many students there are, and no matter how big of a task is at hand, we will always come together to have a good time.
The Class of 2022 is most definitely the most talented year level to date (I’m not biased whatsoever), and we’ve had four bands put their hands up to perform, with even more singers. It will be a lengthy planning process, but the Year 12 members of the Senior School Council and I are excited to see how the final year culminates in this celebration.
Alongside this Year 12 event, comes the planning of Mankinnon! The return of the dance battle between teachers and students.
Following delays due to such a busy year, we are looking forward to getting rehearsals up and running. A shout out to Daina Harris, Talia Zamir, Mia Ciccolallo and Amber Lotzof for volunteering to help choreograph the dance segment.
The parts we have begun learning have been of the highest quality. Teachers, you better look out!
Sophia Diegelmann
Senior Captain
Recently the canteen has changed and from all reports it is a major success. The new menu includes items such as chicken and beef burgers, as well as many snacks and drinks at lower prices. The canteen has been an intrinsic part of McKinnon and is quite important to many of us. We are so excited and have really been enjoying it, especially at East Campus.
Since lockdown we have had a few canteen changes and have especially missed the potato cakes that have been brought back with the new change. The canteen is so good that people are racing each other just to get to the front of the line. One benefit of recent history has been to order through flexischools which is a very convenient option especially so that you don’t have to wait in a queue for half of lunch.
Lots of new food items have been added but one item has come back for good: the potato cake, which is personally my favourite item (of course with extra chicken salt). As well as this there are many tasty options with great pricing such as the sweet chilli chicken sub or the burgers. Overall, the new canteen has been excellent, and we are all enjoying it.
Because of Covid many McKinnon students have not had a full year at McKinnon which is why the canteen and East Campus have really allowed us to feel like a community. It has been great to see many people huddle in groups especially on cold days sharing potato cakes or lining up for a dim sim. If you have any suggestions or concerns try to voice them to either someone you know, through the School Council or through email.
Jake Lasnitzki
Junior Captain