Michael Kan
Michael Kan


Last week we were privileged to host the State Treasurer and Minister for Economic Development, the Honourable Tim Pallas MP, and local member Nick Staikos as Mr Pallas conducted a Q&A session for a select group of Year 12 students.  


Challenging and insightful questions were asked about the economic status of the State of Victoria and the inner workings of politicians. I thank everyone involved for their participation.   


In term 3, the Mind, Body & Soul program began its Sex Education unit for all our Year 9 students at the East Campus. This unit aims to teach our students the values of upholding mature, respectful and safe relationships in their personal lives as they enter adulthood. Over the term, topics such as Love, Desire & Intimacy, Individual Decisions, Sexual Health and Internet Safety are discussed, with Continued Consent being the overarching message.


On Wednesday 10 August, the Mind, Body & Soul team, alongside Elephant Education, hosted McKinnon’s inaugural Sex Ed Incursion Day. Each workshop was designed to provide factual information to our students in order to equip them with the knowledge to make the right decisions around sexual health and relationships. 


This unit bolsters the learnings from Semester 1 on Respectful Relationships, empowering our students to navigate their way through real life situations to make safe, healthy and respectful decisions for themselves and support friends and family in times of need. 


Thank you to the incredible work done by the Mind, Body & Soul team in creating such an invaluable curriculum for our school community.


This week we have been celebrating National Science Week. The Science Faculty has been providing students with incredible activities, incursions and challenges to take part in, including daily trivia, experiments, and our ultimate paper plane competition.

I would like to acknowledge and thank the following teachers for their participation and input into the Science Week programs: Willem Voorham, Michael Lee, Sarah Diosneau, Therese Sweeney, Harriet Barrow, Ruby Lee, Fiona Wallis, Vanessa Callery, Hamish Rose, Josie Holland and Jennifer Wallace.

I would like to thank all the Science teachers who supervised at least one of the many lunchtime activities during Science Week. Thank you also to the non-science teachers who attended, supervised, and took part in these activities.


Congratulations to the Science Learning Area Manager, Cherie Marks and her dedicated team for organising such a wonderful week for staff and students.


The Parent Survey is aligned with the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes and the Attitudes to School Survey and will provide schools with actionable insights in key elements for school improvement. This is an important part of accountability for our school.


The survey is being conducted online by ORIMA Research Pty Ltd. The survey link and login details can be accessed via Compass and will be open until Friday 16 September, 2022.


Feedback of this kind allows us to reflect on our community opinions and gives us an opportunity to celebrate the positives and address any concerns. 


We appreciate your co-operation and support.


Please note the following dates are student free days. Please see the Assistant Principal Report for further information.


Monday 5 September - Parent-teacher-student conferences

Wednesday 7 September - PPD/GAT

Thursday 8 September - Parent-teacher-student conferences


Mrs Binnion is extending her leave and will return to school on Monday 12 September.


I will remain as Acting Principal until this time so please refer any queries to me.