Earlier this year, 112 students from Years 7 to 10 challenged themselves by participating in the Big Science Competition. The Big Science Competition is a 50-minute, multiple choice competition testing science knowledge, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Questions are set in real-life, contemporary contexts, making them relatable and interesting. The questions are also mapped to the Australian Curriculum, meaning that students can receive feedback about their progress in all of the key areas of Science.
Across the school, 53 students obtained Credit awards, 24 students received Distinctions and 9 students received High Distinction awards. Congratulations to the following students, who placed in the top 5% of students at their year level across Australia and will receive their High Distinction certificates at the next General Assembly:
Year 7: Lucas Huang, Sanika Ribadia and Andrew Slesarev
Year 8: Luke Barton, Kenny Dong, Ted Harrison, Mark Mao and Ruthvik Pammi
Year 9: Ofek Avriel
Well done to everyone who participated and make sure that you keep an eye out for the Big Science Competition in 2023.
Fiona Wallis
Chemistry & Science Teacher