Community News, Birthdays, Awards & More

Please scroll to the bottom of this page as there is lots of useful news and celebrations. 

                        Wishing the following children                     a very happy birthday!!

                               No birthdays this week.                                    Hope you have a beautiful day!!!



Congratulations to the following students for receiving an award this week.

Student ClassAward
JohhnieFAWFor being helpful and kind to the visiting teacher.
JackFAWFor being kind and helpful to the visiting teacher.
AnastasiaFAWFor being helpful and kind to the visiting teacher.
Harry1/2ALFor using 2D shapes in create a face called "Box Dog".
Chantelle1/2CCFor excellent effort and progress in reading.
Spence1/2CCFor staying focused and working hard in Literacy.
William3/4AHFor persistence in getting his work done.
Jax3/4BBFor completing his work and helping others.
Sophie5/6BBFor showing the class how to work out a multiplication strategy.
Milla5/6BBFor working hard in multiplication lessons and being able to help others.

School Captain's Award

Patrick M - For being a kind, calm, helpful and trustworthy friend to his classmates.


I am excited to announce that I am starting Crotchet Club again from next week.

It will be on every Monday and Tuesday at first break starting next week.

Meet me in the Office and it will depend how many students would like to join as to where we will have our sessions.

Bring a bag of some sort to keep your beautiful creation in.

It will only be for Year 3-6 students.

If you have any wool or crotchet needles please bring with you. 

Looking forward to seeing you next week.

Uniform Shop Hours

Tuesday 8.30 - 9.00am

Wednesday 3.00- 4.00pm

Thursday 8.30 - 9.00am


If you are unable to make it to these times you can email me your order at or send in an order with your child. I am more than happy to fit your child if you are unsure of their size. If you enclose payment I can deliver the order to your child via the red tub.


St Anne's Playgroup


Playgroup runs every Monday morning in the hall from 9-11am. Please bring a piece of fruit and a $2 donation. It is a great way to meet new parents, while giving the little ones a chance to have a play. No need to book just come along.



Family Businesses


We will be getting a Family Business Page up and running next term.

If you would like to put anything in please email me a card or flyer.


Kilbreda Open Day



Second Hand Uniforms

There is a Facebook Buy/Sell group that has been set up by a parent. 

It is an open group that anyone can join to either buy, sell or give away uniforms. 

'St Anne's Buy/Sell Uniforms'

All normal Facebook sell site rules apply. Parents arrange the exchange of items. 

This is not coordinated by the school. 

Michelle Haggarty

John Paul College Presents "All Shook Up"

Good Afternoon,

John Paul College is excited to announce this year’s College Production of All Shook Up. We would warmly like to invite all families, students and staff from St Anne’s Community to attend a showing of our College Production and watch the music of Elvis come alive in the rocking, heart-warming tale of All Shook Up. 

We look forward to hearing back from you soon and seeing members of St Anne’s community in the crowd. 
