Magis report 

WADL debating teams are busy preparing for Round 4. Junior and Senior team debates will continue as impromptu, whilst the Novice teams will be debating on the topic of cloning humans. Pictured below are our novice debating teams hard at work, in our most recent preparation session - brainstorming arguments.



All teams are reminded that they must check the WA Debating League website for up-to-date fixtures in the week prior to each debate - particularly in this COVID era, as changes could be made to the original fixture. I also refer students to their respective Teams pages for information pertaining to training and preparation sessions. 


As mentioned in the Principal’s address, the House Public Speaking grand final was held on Tuesday evening in the Gonzaga Barry Lecture Theatre (GBLT). Spectators and adjudicators were wowed by the diverse range of topics and exceptionally high standard of presentations – and I congratulate all the grand finalists on their exemplary performances.



These are extraordinary times that we are living in – and the Magis program continues to be flexible in accommodating all students. As such, a second grand final will be held, following the Semester 1 examinations, for the students who were unable to attend Tuesday night. A list of winners will be announced following completion of the second grand final – and trophies will be awarded to the top student from each year level at the Magis Awards Breakfast. It is always wonderful when JTC alumni students return to the College to assist with events – and I thank Ben Negus (Class of 2021) and Alex Panther and Ben Linsten (Class of 2020) for adjudicating the House Public Speaking grand final.


You can keep up to date with Magis and Altiora events by following the Term 2 calendar – which can be accessed by clicking on the link below. 



Daisy Farley

Magis Coordinator – Gifted and Talented