Music News- Week 13

Autumn Soiree

The Music Department is delighted to invite families and friends to the Autumn Soiree – the first major ensembles concert of 2022. Featuring performances from the College’s most senior instrumental and choral groups including Concert Band, Wind Band, Chamber Choir, Treble Choir, Chamber Orchestra and Swing Band, the Autumn Soiree will celebrate the wonderful talents of the College’s young musicians. Catering is served in the Pavilion from 4:00pm, with live entertainment.


Tickets for the Autumn Soiree are free via TryBooking, and we request audience members book to ensure adequate seating is available. We look forward to welcoming our first live audience of the year!


In preparation for the Soiree, all students participating will be engaging in rehearsals and sound checks during Lunch, Period 5 and 6 on Friday 20 May. Students should check emails and the daily notices for any updates to the timetable, listed below. Please be prompt to all rehearsals and sound checks – performance uniforms are not required for these.






Swing Band

Treble Choir



Concert Band



Wind Band


Concert Band


Junior Swing Band



Chamber Orchestra

Chamber Choir



Treble Choir



Chamber Choir







Online Lessons

For students learning at home and requiring an online music lesson, please ensure advice is provided to tutors or to the Music Office on 9383 0440.


Please be reminded that all absences from music lessons due to illness must receive proper notice, by 3pm the day prior to the lesson, to either the Music Office or directly to tutors.


Thank you, to all students, parents and staff who have been participating in online lessons. All online lessons are conducted through Teams, so families with younger students may need to arrange login details ahead of their lesson. For assistance with any aspect of online music lessons, please contact the Music Office on 9383 0440.


If an instrument stored in the Instrument Storeroom, in the Performing Arts Centre, is required to participate in online lessons, please contact the Music Office.



James Kros

Head of Learning Area - Music