A Message from the Principal

Ken Chatterton
Ken Chatterton

Respecting our school neighbours

I was concerned recently to hear from a parent about an interaction that occurred with one of our neighbours. One of our key school values is 'To be Neighbourly', which for me means that we demonstrate respect and friendly behaviour towards everyone, that we are helpful and supportive of everyone in our community, and we are considerate of other people's concerns or needs. 

The incident I refer to occurred during pick up time in the afternoon when a parent who was parked across a driveway was asked by the neighbour to move. The parent's response, I'm sad to say, was aggressive and threatening. 

It is imperative that all of us set an example for the behaviours and values we wish our children to demonstrate. 

I understand that car parking on Oban Rd is far from ideal and regularly leads to tension - with both neighbours and other parents at times. The reality, unfortunately, is that we are all required to work with what is there. If a convenient space close to the school is not available, then parking across driveways and double parking is not a suitable option. Some days, you may find it necessary to park a short distance from the school and walk to meet your child. This is the reality at all schools and is the safest option for children. 

The school is in regular contact with Police, inviting them to be present at peak times and to police illegal road behaviours. We will also report to Police any threatening or aggressive behaviour.

I would like to make this appeal to all parents to consider their road behaviours around the school and to play a leading role in demonstrating the value of being 'Neighbourly' with those in our community.  

End of Year gifts

It is that time of year when you may be considering purchasing a gift of appreciation for a teacher. While this is certainly not an expectation, it is a lovely gesture and is very much appreciated by teachers when received. 

Recently, we have received clarification from the government about policies related to gifts to teachers. Last year, there was some ambiguity among schools about what was or wasn't permissible for teachers to accept. 

For your information, the following restrictions apply to teachers: 

* They should not accept gifts worth more than $100. 

* Gifts from multiple families can exceed $100 (but should remain below $100 per family contributing)

* Gifts can be store-specific gift cards or vouchers but must not be cash or cash equivalent gifts, such as pre-loaded Visa cards. 

* Gifts are obviously to demonstrate appreciation only and must not be accompanied by special requests. 

I also request from a school perspective that any gifts of wine or alcohol not be carried by children. This is something that I've always been uncomfortable with. If you do wish to offer a gift such as this, please ensure it is an adult who offers this to the teacher at the end of the day.