Well being

John Paul College Soup Van

The John Paul College Soup Van for the homeless and marginalised of Frankston is starting a second night. This second night will be staffed by volunteers outside of JPC staff and students. The hope is that parishioners will take up the invitation to be part of this important service delivery.


We will be having an information night for volunteers and we would be grateful if you could advertise the following in the Parish newsletter in the weeks leading up to the event:


“John Paul College Soup Van is seeking volunteers for Thursday evenings. Information session will be on Wednesday 1st May at 7pm at John Paul College in Ngargee Theatre (enter gate 2). Further information contact John Riddle Director Faith & Mission 9784 0200 or ridj@jpc.vic.edu.au


Understanding the limitations on space in our newsletters and also that it is Holy Week, please feel free to amend as needed. I have contacted the St. Vincent De Paul Conferences of the area as well. If you need further information, please let me know. Many thanks.

God bless,


Packing a healthy lunchbox

With the unpredictable nature of our day to day lives, preparing and packing a healthy lunchbox can be a difficult task. Finding time to shop and prepare interesting and healthy meals for school lunches can stressful. But the foods we send to school with our kids can contribute up to 1/3 of their daily intake of nutrients. So its important to pack a balanced lunch to ensure they’re getting the nutrients they need. (Click here for our lunch box flyer.)


Things you need to know:

What is in a balanced lunchbox?

Pack the core 4 + 1 for active kids

  • Main Lunch
  • Core Snack
  • Piece of fruit (seasonal)
  • Water with an additional small reduced fat milk drink or 99% fruit juice (aim for <200ml serve) for added variety throughout the day
  • +1 Extra snack for active kids

Add extra core snacks or one small ‘extra’ pre-packaged snack once a week.

Keep “occasional” foods such snack food bars, sweet biscuits, flavoured or coated popcorn and savoury biscuits and chips out of the lunch box. Although they can offer a practical convenient solution for lunchboxes, they should not replace the core snack and should be kept for special occasions. Avoid including the ones with added confectionery and opt for wholegrain varieties packed full of whole foods you can see with your eyes.

Need some lunchbox snack ideas? Here you go!