PBIS Awards

Term 2 Week 3 Report

Thankyou to everyone who showed respect for our Library last term.  Please continue to follow the rules for our library and keep it being the wonderful place that it is.

We are currently in our ‘Bounce Back’ PBIS blitz.  The focus is on being resilient.

Being resilient and being able to bounce back means that when things go wrong, resilience is what helps you to cope and get through hard times. Sometimes it makes you even stronger than you were before. We can be resilient by:

Bouncing back after difficult times

Dealing with challenges and still holding your head up

Giving things a go or trying your best

Being strong on the inside

Being able to cope with what life throws at you and shrug it off

Standing up for yourself

Some of the things that can help build resilience are:

Having a positive attitude, Finding good friends, Feeling good about yourself,Feeling like you belong, Having a supportive family, Helping others or 'giving back', Being able to solve problems and overcome challenges and having good communication with the people around you.

PBIS Captains

Congratulations to our new PBIS Captains, you should be so proud of being responsible, respectful, resilient and safe.

Week 2 PBIS Award Winner

Our PBIS student of the week comes from the 5/6 area.

Mrs Hicks says that this student is able to bounce back from suggestions given to him about his work and his behaviour. He not only listens to feedback but he acts on it. This student shows mental toughness by having a go at things that he may not enjoy.  Brenton Curtis, you should be proud of your increased resilience this year

Congratulations Brenton Curtis on being our PBIS Student Of the Week!

Well done and keep 'Bouncing Back'!