Catholic Identity

                                        Mercy Prayer

We pray for the Sisters of Mercy, who established our school and for the priests who have served at

St. Mary’s.  It is through their vision,  determination and strong faith that we enjoy the benefits of a 

                                                                   Catholic Education here in Mooroopna.

We are proud to be a Mercy School, where the values of love and justice are taught and lived every day.

Mother's Day Mass

Thankyou to Elena De Maria for helping with the coordination of our Annual Mother's Day Mass. This was such a lovely way to celebrate all our Mum's, Grandmum's, Aunt's, Special Friends and those like Mum's. 

In this beautiful service, Monsignor Peter reflected on all the lovely things Mum's do for their children and family, Thank you Monsignor.   

Thankyou also to Maree Williams for assisting with set up and flowers for Mass and the P&F and families for preparing and serving the lovely morning tea.  Some of our Grade 6 students were a wonderful help with serving platters and clearing up chairs following the Mass

Class Mass  Preps  -  Friday 24th  at 10.00am

Friday 24th May Prep KC & JM will be going to the Friday Parish Mass.  Children will be involved in the readings and various jobs.  Please come along and join in this special class celebration. 

Parish Family Mass -  Sunday June at 10am

The Parish Mass on Sunday the 2nd June, will be a special  Family Mass and we invite all our families to come along and join in this celebration.  The Junior Unit will be organising the various jobs but we would love to see lots of our students there to help with the singing and responses.

Sacramental Program -  

This year we will be celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.

Confirmation will be for children in Grade Six who have previously made their Reconciliation and Eucharist.  This Sacrament will be celebrated on Sunday 1st September at 11.30am by Bishop Leslie Tomlinson.  (Please note this is a change of date)

 First Eucharist will take place on Sunday 24th November for children who have currently commenced their sacramental journey and made their Reconciliation.