Parents & Friends 

Parents & Friends 2018 Committee

President—Kristie Scott, Treasurer - Michael DeMaria, Secretary - Lisa Macreadie, Public Relations Officer - Kim Smith, Communications - Tina Kennedy, School Rep - Ann Margaret Carroll, School Board Rep - Kylie Glover,  General Committee Members - Kylie Glover, Narelle Wood, Rebecca Smith, Peita Sleeth, Tina Kennedy .

Dates to remember

Upcoming events that the P&F will be organising are - 

Kids all in one disco – Friday 14th June - Theme will be 'ROCKSTAR'

Family pie drive – Forms to be returned by Friday 14th June for delivery on 26th June.

Fathers Day Stall - Wednesday 28th August

NEW - Mother's Day Stall

Parents & Friends would like to Thank everyone for their support of the Mother's Day Stall and we hope you all enjoyed your special gift/s. 

Thank you to everyone who helped out on the stall, without your help this would not have been possible.

NEW - Mother's Day Morning Tea

Once again this was enjoyed by many visitors to our school who joined us following the beautiful Mother's Day Mass.

A huge Thank you to everyone who was able to help serve and clean up and to all those who were able to share a plate of morning tea, we had a wide variety of yummy treats.  A special Thanks to the Grade 6 students who helped by serving platters to our guests.

Thank you

Kristie Scott

P&F President

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples. –

Mother Teresa