Principal's Announcements


Our Grade 3 and Grade 5 students are participating in NAPLAN.

NAPLAN tests academic skills such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. It is important to remember that NAPLAN is not about passing or failing, but about assessing learning progress. This year is the first year we have completed the official NAPLAN tests online and yesterday’s tests went very smoothly.


Thank you to the teachers for their preparation in making sure the technology was ready and learning the new system. Reading and Writing were completed yesterday, Spelling and Grammar today and Numeracy will be on Thursday. 


Well done to all of the students in Grade 3 and 5 for participating with such determination and resilience. 

Mother's Day Mass

Our Mother's Day Mass was held last Friday and was a beautiful celebration of mothers, grandmothers and mother like figures. Thank you to Elena De Maria and Marg Lee for planning the mass and co-ordinating all of the parents who participated in the ceremony. Thank you to Kristie Scott, Lisa Macreadie and  Maree Williams and all those who provided a plate for the morning tea. 

Monsignor Peter unwell

Please keep Monsignor Peter in your prayers as he recovers from a recent hospital stay. Mons has been given the all clear from the doctors and will be recuperating with Fr Joe at St Brendan's.

Winter Uniform

Students should now be in full winter uniform.  Second hand items are available in the corridor near the front office. Please speak to Amber or Naomi for more details.


Please Note - grey shorts/skorts are now part of the winter uniform, however the summer dress with tights and or skivvy is not. 

Please see the attached Uniform Policy for clarification.

Notre Dame Immersion to Napuka

In week 2 we hosted some past students, Bridgette Prentice, Molly Talbot and Mason Crosier as a part of their fundraising  efforts for Fiji. The high school students sold zooper doopers at lunchtime and then spoke at assembly explaining where any funds raised would be used. We look forward to hearing of their great works on their return.

TAG - Traditional Aboriginal Games

On Friday we are lucky enough to be participating in TAG which stands for Traditional Aboriginal Games and Art Activities. All students will be participating and will rotate through art, sport and language activities.  We also welcome some local kinder children from Save The Children who will join in the activities with our preps. Students are asked to wear their sports uniform on Friday or their sports shoes with their regular uniform.

Principal's Award

Winner Week 2 - Logan Kempinski. Logan has come out of his shell so much this year and has become so much more confident in the classroom. He has a great sense of humour and ability to interact and have a laugh with his peers. His knowledge of all things fishing and whip cracking always amazes me, and he’s always teaching us new things! Logan has volunteered to help Phil Crowe on numerous in school projects and Phil appreciates Logan’s dry sense of humour. To quote Phil, our award winner this week is skilful and methodical with practical tasks. An ideas man!

Well done Logan!

Front Office Access

Sometime next week the front access to our Admin Office will be fenced off in preparation for our Admin Building Upgrade. Access will still be available via the glass doors at the courtyard. 

Thank you

Ann-Margaret Carroll

Acting Principal