Farewell from Mr Churchward

Farewell to Wantirna College

After teaching in Secondary schools for 34 years and working at Wantirna College for 10 years I will be leaving Wantirna College to pursue other opportunities in the TAFE sector.  I have really enjoyed my time at Wantirna, developing positive relationships with students; guiding, directing and supporting some students to make better choices and getting to know many, many parents. I have always had a strong belief that the most important thing that we do is to give students options when they leave school and have strived to achieve this.  There are exciting times ahead for Wantirna College and I have absolute faith in both the direction for the College and the quality of leadership.  The College could not be in better hands. 


I would like to thank everybody in the school community for the way they initially welcomed me, helped me become part of the Wantirna landscape.  For the myriad of positive interactions with over 2500 students who have been through Wantirna College in my time and all the parents and guardians I have been involved with.   Good luck in the future and have a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year.


Bruce Churchward

Assistant Principal


Both the students and staff will miss Mr Churchward and thank him for his time at the College.  Known as Churchdaddy by any student who went on the Northern Territory tour with him, he was well liked and respected by all.