Computers 2018

Computers for each student 2018 – 1:1 program
Just a final reminder that if you wish to utilise our leasing option for a computer for 2018 and beyond with a computer ready for your child on the first day of 2018, then the first deadline is next Wednesday 8th November at 4 pm.
After this date the discount for early payment ceases. It will still be possible to order a computer through the College after next Wednesday, using Compass and the Course Confirmation / Payments section.
If you are not sure about what all this entails then the last newsletter had more detail and your child should have brought home an explanatory letter on the last day of tTerm 3 or early this term.
Please contact Andrew Lewis, Assistant Principal, if you require further information.
Reenrolment agreements
Previously we have given out a number of agreements to students as part of the reenrolment process.
This year we are making more use of Compass and these agreements will be part of the process for paying Essential, Optional & Voluntary Charges. The electronic signing of these agreements comes before the final step of paying the Essential, Optional & Voluntary Charges. We need all students and parents to read and sign these agreements so that they can connect to the College WiFi network and to participate in other activities.
The link to this process will appear in the Parent Compass home page in a red highlighted section above the Newsfeed. It will be labelled Course Confirmation / Payments. You click on this link and it will take you to the various areas that you will need to complete for your children. This link will appear sometime next week.
If you have any difficulty logging onto the Parent Compass portal please contact our General Office who can assist you. We cannot give your password to your children.
Andrew Lewis
Assistant Principal