going to great heights

Oki Gardner

Senior School Leader


The Year 11 VCAL students participated in the Trees Adventure Excursion during Term 1.  

This activity was chosen so as they could address the important team building, communication and leadership learning outcome requirements for their Work Related Skills and Personal Development Skills (VCAL strands).


Trees Adventure  in Belgrave  features exciting and challenging obstacle courses high up in the tree canopy of the beautiful Dandenong Ranges. Taking the lesson out of the classroom offered staff and students  the chance to leave the urban environment and also demonstrated that every experience is a learning opportunity - no matter the setting.


When tackling the activities such as those at Tree Adventure, effective teamwork is essential to navigate through the various courses. Each activity increases in level of difficulty and saw students swinging, leaping, climbing and flying through the forest!


Our  adventurers embraced the opportunity to extend themselves, facing the challenges with enthusiasm and determination - as well as some healthy trepidation!  Without exception, they  found that with a little bravery, perseverance  and the support and encouragement of their team mates, they could overcome challenges and achieve goals that they head never even considered before.










Nakkita A
Nakkita A


Nakkita Aiello

Year 11

What did you learn about yourself by completing the trees adventure course?

What I learned about completing the courses was that I had to build confidence to walk across the obstacles. I had to ignore my fears and not doubt myself, which was difficult because I was a little scared on some activities!


Tristan L
Tristan L


Tristan Lynch

Year 11

How can you apply what you have learned about yourself during the Tree Top Adventure excursion back into the VCAL class moving forward? 

 I learned that  if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. I can apply this in the VCAL class by pushing myself to achieve in the subjects. 


Melissa T
Melissa T


Melissa Truong

Year 11

How important is teamwork when completing activities such as the Tree Top Adventures? How did you display teamwork skills on the day? 

Motivating and helping your friends to complete an activity is really important.  I helped my friends by giving directions and telling them what was best to do next.



The VCAL teaching team would like to congratulate all year 11 VCAL students for their efforts on the day, in particular Tara Nowak, Noah Ali and Matthew Panagiotidis who demonstrated outstanding teamwork and perseverance on the day.

Tara N
Noah A
Matthew P
Tara N
Noah A
Matthew P