
2019 Preshil philosophy conference: future thinking

by Dr Lenny Robinson-McCarthy, teacher of Philosophy


On Sunday 21 July 2019, Preshil will once again be presenting its popular philosophy conference at the State Library of Victoria. Titled Future Thinking, this year’s conference sets out to examine the ways in which technological developments across a variety of fields of human endeavour and innovation will transform the way we think about who and what we are and the best way to live our lives.


We will be joined by philosophers and thinkers from around Australia, the US and the UK and students, teachers and interested members of the public will have the opportunity to engage in discussion in communities of inquiry facilitated by the amazing people from The Philosophy Club.


Preshil is also pleased to announce its inaugural philosophy writing prize for students. Both the prize and the conference itself reflect Preshil’s commitment to cultivating creative and critical thinking in public discourse, which in turn reflects its core value: the courage to question.


More information, including details of our speakers, and a link for ticket purchases can be found on our dedicated webpage: which will be updated regularly.


This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in big ideas and stimulating dialogue that crosses academic and generational lines. We do hope members of the Preshil community can join us.