From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Caregivers, Konnichiwa!


We have had a very busy and exciting few weeks of learning here at Grange, with more to come!


Our External School Review has been completed and we expect the report of the review in a couple of weeks time, which I will share with our school community as soon as it becomes available. Thanks to everyone involved for your contribution to enable us to continue to improve and move from a good and great school to one that is consistently outstanding.


On Thursday evening we had the Wakakirri performance by about 50 of our year 6/7 students at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. Our school performance was one of 9 other primary schools and 3 high schools on the night. Our students did a fantastic job and were presented with two awards, the best primary school for-

  • Teamwork
  • Public speaking

We should be very proud of our performers in winning these awards.

Laila, Lachlan and Emily represented our school in the public speaking component, where they spoke on stage with the host in front of a large audience. Their speeches were undertaken with no notes, unlike the other 12 schools who had a written speech or cue cards. An amazing job in memorising their speech and then articulating it so well.


Very deserving winners for public speaking and working so well as a team for the performance.  


Thank you to teachers Mary Xenides, Susan Wilson and John Mastropaolo for their roles in leading, supporting and attending the night. As you can imagine 12 performances made a long night and our students are to be also commended for their excellent behaviour in waiting for and after their performance time.


Congratulations to all Wakairri students for their outstanding performances.

The busy and exciting times continue with Sport’s Day on Friday 13th September, Tournament of the Minds on Sunday 8th September and the Festival of Music Year 5 Choir on Wednesday 11th September in the evening. Hope to see you at Sport’s Day and for Year 5 choir participant families at the choir performance.


World Principal Day

What a fantastic surprise it was at our last assembly to receive the framed poster, that is now on my office door and the video from students to celebrate World Principal's day. What a wonderful school community Grange is, a wonderful school to lead and one that I appreciate every day.


Regards, Grant

Grant Small

Grange Primary School