
Spotlight on Numeracy
Each fortnight a different grade will be in the SPOTLIGHT sharing Numeracy inside the classrooms!
Welcome to Stage 3 Newman Numeracy!
Recently we were invited to host students from The University of Notre Dame to observe Maths in action here at OLF. As Mrs Christine Mae - leader of Mathematics K-12 said in her invitation: “We are seeking to provide a valuable learning opportunity for pre-service primary education students to observe a rich, challenging, open-ended Mathematics task that caters for gifted students in Stage 3 classrooms.”
Today a number of students from Notre Dame observed a Numeracy lesson with our Stage 3 Newman students. The lesson was led by Mrs Pisani. The opportunity provided a pivotal role in strengthening the connection between pre-service teacher education and teaching practice in our schools. An opportunity too to showcase the Mathematical skills of our Yr 6 Newman students.
Well done to all involved !
Mrs Cheryl Ross | Numeracy Coordinator
Miss Marnie Cleary | K-2 Coordinator