Learning and Teaching
'Learning is a constant process of discovery.'
Learning and Teaching
'Learning is a constant process of discovery.'
This fortnight all students have participated in the Life Ed program. Of course, Harold the giraffe was there (for those who rememeber him!) Students engaged in lessons that looked at healthy choices, making good decisions and being an upstander.
Parents and carers are warmly invited to extend the program at home!
Please go to https://www.lifeedvic.org.au/for-families/parent-webinars and register for online sessions and resources. It is a wonderful program.
Our classes have been getting stuck into their Math work! In classrooms you will see Math 'bump it up' walls where students share their thinking and brainstorm words and symbols that they will need for their current unit. It is wonderful to see this changing and growing during every unit.
This fortnight we are looking at the concept of fractions and 'parts of a whole'. Our juniors are breaking shapes into equal parts and sharing quantities while our seniors are placing fractions and decimals on number lines and learning and denominators! Here are some of the things you will see in our classrooms, plus a website for you to check out at home.
Gill Carr
Learning and Teaching leader